79 - The truth or a lie? (Sad/Cute)

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Imagine Justin is your boyfriend, but you haven't saw him that much this week, you don't know what he is doing when he is not at home.

You are sitting on the couch, with your laptop on your lap, just surfing the web, until you got interrupted by the sounds of an unlocking door.

You sigh and put your laptop on top of the table in front of you. You stand up and walk towards Justin, who just came in, and cross your arms.

"Hey babe!," Justin says enthousiastically, and he hugs you, bit you just keep on standing there with your arms crossed, not hugging him back.

Justin breaks the hug and looks at you.

"Are you not happy to see me?," He pouts, while both of his hands are placed on your shoulders.

"Yes, but where have you been?," You ask, with a pretty annoyed voice. Justin Justin just frowns.

"What do you mean where have you been?," Justin asks, with still this confused look on your face.

"I'm just asking you; where have you been?," You raise your voice a little and uncross your arms.

"Just- in the studio," Justin says while he stutters a bit.

"In the studio? Again?,"

"Yeah?," Justin sounds a bit nervous.

"What are you doing in the studio? Every day of the week? Every hour a day?,"

"Uhm, just recording new songs, where else is a studio for?," Justin smirks a little and walks towards the kitchen and fills a glass with water.

"Your new album came out a few days ago," You frown, while you walk after him.

You love Justin very much, and he is a really good boyfriend who always speaks the truth, but this time you're not sure whether he is talking the truth of whether he is lying. Maybe he has another girlfriend? What if he does?

Justin doesn't answer you and he just keep on drinking.

"Are you really going to the studio every day?," You ask him, with a soft voice. You look down at your feet, you don't even dare to look at him, because he now knowss you don't fully trust him at the moment, and you feel pretty guilty about that, but you just want to know if he is speaking the truth.

Justin places his glass, that is now almost empty, down on the table and sighs.

"Are you really doubting me?," He asks in a annoyed voice rightnow, while he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

You just shrug.

"I'm not lying to you [Y/N], I'm not," He says,with this fierce look.

"I just want to know what you are doing,"

"I already told you! I'm just going to the studio everyday," Justin now crosses his arms instead of you.

"I just want you to tell me the truth okay," You say. Maybe he is going to the studio everyday, but that is almost impossible, because his new album came out a few days ago.

"You know what?," Justin says in a mad tone.
"I can't tell you the truth," He says.

You look at him, and suddenly you get this weird feeling in your stomach.
He was lying. He lied to you.

"You lied to me," You say, with a really soft voice. You are about to cry, and you do.

"Babe....," Justin says while he walks towards you and strokes your hair behind your ear.

"Why are you lying to me?," You say, sobbing.

"Because I just can't tell you the truth," Justin sighs. You look at him and shake your head.

"We promised eachother we would tell eachother everything, that we would be honest against eachother, but you're not, so how can we continue with this?," You say while you break out of Justin his grip and walk away.

You hear Justin sigh, and before you can open the frontdoor, Justin pulls you back by grabbing your arm.

"What," You hiss.

Justin sighs and he is starring at the floor.

"The truth is...," He starts. He then looks up at you.
"I've been so busy writing and recording a song, for you, i'm everyday in the studio, so the song will be finished really quick,". Justin sighs.

You look up at him, and stare into his beautiful eyes.

"A-are you serious?," You ask, a bit embarrased, becaude you didn't expect this.

Justin nods and sighs.

"Yeah, but it was meant as a surprise," He says.

You quickly wrap your arms around Justin his neck and hug him very tight. Justin places his hands on your hips.

"Justin, I'm so sorry, I should've believed you," You whisper into his ear.

Justin kisses you behind your ear and snuggles into your neck.

"It's okay babe, but don't doubt me once again okay?," Justin says. You pull a little back and stare into Justin's eyes.

"I love you," Justin whispers, and he kisses your nose.

"You too,"

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