83 - It's you (Cute/romantic)

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Imagine you are going to a concert of Justin for the second time

"I just can't believe i'm going to see Justin again, it's just... amazing," You say to your best friend, while you walk inside the hall where the concert will be. It's so big.

"Last year I stood there,"  You say while pointing to the other side of the stage. Your friend nodds and smiles.
"And you know what?," You whisper smiling to your best friend.

"Tell me," She says smiling back at you.

"Last year Justin looked me in the eyes, I melted," You get shivers all over your body again if you think of that moment again, it was the best moment of your life and you never felt better.

"I wish that will happen to me!," Your friends says enthusiastically. You giggle and smile and rest your head on your friend her shoulder, starring at the stage where your 'dream man' will stand in a few minutes.


The crowd screams out loud, waiting for the moment for Justin to come on stage.


All of the sudden the lights go off, and everybody starts screaming even louder than before. It lasts for maybe more than a whole minute before the spots go on, and the music starts playing.

The dancers enter the stage and start dancing in sync with the music.

But then you hear a voice. That voice, his voice. The most perfect voice in the world, Justin his voice.

"Whaddup y'all!," Justin screams and the crowd goes wild.

"Ohmygod!," You scream out loud, and so does your friend. Justin is so close, you can almost smell his perfume. He looks so perfect and flawless, and you get tears in your eyes because you could have never imagine that you would stand here again, for the second time, after a year.

"Let's go!," Justin screams and starts singing and dancing together with the dancers.

You and your friend sing along at the top of your lungs, and dance like a crazy animal.

This is the best night ever, you are together with your best friend, your belieber family, and of course the most important thing, Justin. You look around and smile, you are so happy.

Justin grabs a chair and places it on the stage and sits down on it. He is sitting right in front of you. He is just sitting there without saying or singing anything yet, and just smiles. The crowd goes wild and so do you and your friend.

"So the next song...," Justin says but can't finish his line because the crowd screams so hard by hearing Justin his voice. Justin just laughs and shakes his head lightly.
"So the next song is dedicated to all of you, all of my special girls here, and boys of course...," Justin giggles by saying the last part of his line and the crowd just laughs.
"It's from my album believe, fall...,"

Dan starts playing his guitar and Justin starts singing along with it.

"Well let me tell you a story, about a girl and a boy...," Justin sings, and the crowd sings along with it.

Justin is in his deepest concentration and sings with a lot of feeling in it. He looks around at the crowd and smiles a little.

You sing along with Justin and get tears in your eyes, this is your favorite song of Justin, because it means so much to you.

"Who's gonna make you fall in love....," Justin sings.

Suddenly he looks at your direction, straight into your eyes. Your eyes widen, and your hearts skips a beat. The look in Justin his eyes changes into something else, it looks like a spark came up. He keeps looking at you and singing.

"He is looking at you! He is looking at you oh my!," Your friend screams into your ear while grabs your shoulder with both of her hands and shakes you back and forth, but you just ignore her and keep looking at Justin.

Justin looks away and stands up, and walks around the stage, still singing. You just stand there, lost in confusion, with an open mouth.

He just looked at you for maybe 30 seconds, looking like he sang the song for you, singing with a lot of feeling.

Justin finishes the song. He sings a few more songs, and you and your friend enjoy the concert to the fullest, not wanting it to be over.

"I love you all!," Justin screams one last time, and with that he disappears of the stage, and the lights go off. Everyone screams for Justin, but the concert is over, and when all of the lights turn on again, the stage is all empty, and the door are open, ready for everyone to leave.

"I don't want it to be over," Your friend says, almost crying. You look at her and hug her.

"Me neither, this is terrible, he needs to come back, I already miss him again," You sigh, making a sad face, not knowing when you are going to see Justin again.

The two of you follow the crowd to the exit door, but when you are almost there, a security guy grabs your arm and pulls you with him.

"Hey!," You scream mad, trying to get rid of his grip.
"What are you doing? Did I do anything wrong?," You ask, not knowing what is happening.

"Wait for me at the exit!," You scream at your best friend. Luckily she hears it and sticks her thumb up to you.

You walk along with the security guy, going backstage.

"Where are you taking me? Let me go please," You beg, but the man doesn't answer.

"She?,"  The man suddenly says while he opens the door of a room. You look inside the room and see a boy sitting, with no shirt on, messy hair, and black pants with bright pink shoes.

It is Justin. You open your eyes, and wink, making sure you are not dreaming.

"Yes," Justin answers smiling. He stands up and walks slowly towards you. The security guy let go of you and walks away, closing the door.

"It's you," Justin says. His voice is so sexy and his appearance is so sexy. What are you doing here and why did the security guy brought you here.

Justin grabs your hand and put it up in the air, he spins you around while he checks you out.

You giggle and cover your mouth with your hand, not knowing what to do.

"Whaddup?," Justin smirks, looking into your eyes. You shrug.
"These eyes," He says. "I recognized them, one year ago I fell in love with a girl with beautiful brown eyes, brown curls and that beautiful smile, it was at one of my concerts, I thought I'd never see her again, I mean, how big is the change if you see that one person you want to see out of all the millions of people I see? It's like, a chance of zero...," Justin says while he looks at the ground.

You smirk and nod.

"That is definitely a chance of zero,"

Justin looks at you again and smiles, while he strokes your cheek.

"I also thought it was a chance of zero, but it isn't, because it happened...," Justin smiles. You look at Justin, a little confused.

"It's you," he says and comes closer with his face, his salty lips touching your lips, and start kissing you softly.

He pulls back and leans with his forehead against yours, smiling. You are just starring at him, feeling confused, weird and happy at the same time.

"Y- you fell in love with me a year ago?," You whisper smiling.

"Yes, I did,"Justin smirks. "And I still am," He says and kisses you again.

When he pulls back again, you say

"You know what I hated about your concerts?,"

Justin frowns and leans backwards, almost looking offended.

"Leaving," You smile, and when Justin hears you say that, he grins and smiles. He grabs both of your hands this time

"But you know what?," He starts.
"This time, you don't have to leave me, ever again,"

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