48 - Truth or dare? (Sad/Romantic)

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Imagine Justin is your best friend since 2 years. You always hang out together, and also with some other friends. Rightnow one of your friends, Ryan, invited you and some other friends to come over, just to hang out and chill.

"Hey!," You say to Ryan while he opens the frontdoor of your house, to let you in.

"Hey [Y/N]," Ryan says while he hugs you. You walk into the livingroom, and see that Justin is already there.

"[Y/N]!," Justin says enthusiasticly. You smile and hug him.

"Hi Juju," You say giggling. The three of you watch tv for a few minutes, and then Fredo arrives at Ryan his house. Ryan let him in and you and all the others say hi to him.

Rightnow the four of you are just watching tv.

"Let's do something," Justin says. He is sitting next to you on the couch, and he has his arm wrapped around your shoulder.

"Like what?," Ryan says. You look at Justin and he nods.

"I don't know, maybe, truth or dare or something..," Justin says. Ryan ans Fredo both smirks.

"Good idea," Ryan says while he rubs his hands together.

"So, who is first?," Fredo asks.

"Justin," Ryan says while he points at Justin. Justin smiles.

"Hmm okey... Fredo, truth or dare?," Justin asks.

"Uhh, I go for a dare," Fredo answers. Justin smirks, and says

"I dare you to make a picture of you in your underwear, and place it online om instagram," Everybody starts laughing, except Fredo.

"Hell no," He says, but, a dare is a dare, isn't it? After a couple of minutes he finally did it, and it was so unbelievable funny.

"Justin..," Fredo smirks. Justin nods.

"Truth or dare?," Justin directly answers

"Truth," He says. Fredo starts thinking about a question.

"So, do you have a crush on somebody?," Fredo smirks. Justin blushes lighly and says

"Maybee...," He says.  You look at him.

"Who?," You whisper. Come on, he is your best friend, why didn't he told you this... Justin smiles ans shrugs.

We do a few more rounds, and then finally, well, You don't know if you are really happy with it but he finally asked you.

"Truth or dare?," Ryan asks. You think.,.

"Dare," You smirks.

"Ohhh," Ryan says.
"Well, I dare you make out with Fredo...,"

You look a little bit shocked, but so do Justin and Fredo himself. You decide to just go for it without thinking, so you start making out with him for a few seconds.

When you break the kiss everybody laughs, except Justin, he doesn't look that happy.

"Okey, [Y/N], your turn," Ryan says but then Justin speaks.

"I quit," He says and he standa up and walks away. The three of you are a bit surprised, but okey... You decide to watch tv again.
Justin is sitting in the other corner of the room, with his phone. He looks sad, and since he is your best friend, you need to ask him whats wrong.

You standup and walk towards Justin, and sit down next to him.

"Hi," You say, but Justin doesn't say anything back.

"What are you doing?," You asks while you look over Justin his shoulder.

"Nothing," Justin sounds a little irritated.

"What's wrong?," You ask Justin, be again, he doesn't answer.
"Justin?," You say.

"What," Justin says mad.

"Wow, what the fuck Justin, why are you acting this weird," You say.

"You really want to know?," Justin grins, you nodd.

"It's my crush," Justin says. You look at him.

"Aww, what happend, does she have a boyfriend?," You ask Justin,  but he just laughs.

"She just kissed somebody else," Justin says while he looks at you.

"Aww, that is sad," You say while you hug Justin. You hear Justin sigh really deep.

"[Y/N], don't you get it?," Justin smirks. You make a confused face and shake your head.

"It's you, dumbhead," Justin says blushing. What? You look at him and rub your eyes a few times.

"What?," You say surprised.

"Yes, you are my crush.. I really like you [Y/N],  for over a year, and I just was too afraid to tell you, and know I did... but what just happend just broke my heart...," Justin says.

Whoa, you just can't believe it...

"I-i-," You start.

"I'm sorry... I should-," Justin says but you interrupt him with a kiss. After the kiss you look at him and smile, and so does he.

"Woa," Justin says.

"I feel the same way about you," You say smiling. Justin his eyes begin to twinkle and he smiles really big.

"Come here," Justin says, and the two of you start kissing again...

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