40 - Double date III (Romantic/Cute)

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Sequel to 'Double date 2' I recommend you reading that part first if you haven't yet.

You all took your seat and the movie started. The beginning was already really scary, you wanted to run away as quick as possible, you just don't want to see the movie.

When there was a scary part everybody screamed, and ofcourse you were the loudest. Justin just smirks all the time.

"What?," You whisper while you cover your face with your hands.

"You are just so funny," Justin smirks. You pout.

"I just don't like scary movies," You whisper.

You look at Fredo and your best friend. Fredo wrapped his arm around your friend's shoulder and her hand is resting on his knee. They are all lovey-dovey. It's actually really cute, and you really want them to become a couple.

"Ohmygod," You say while you look at the big screen. You cover your eyes with your hands again and sigh.

"Aww," Justin says. He rests his hand on your knee.

"You said you was going to protect me," You say pouting. Justin smirks.

"Come here," Justin says and he wraps his arms around you. You directly feel save. Cliché, you know, but it is true.

His arms are so perfect, strong and filled with tattoos. He rest his head on your head.

"Are you happy now?," Justin whispers in a very low sexy voice. uhoh... why is he so hot....

You lighty smile.

"Yes," You whisper.

The four of you watch the movie and everytime there is a scary part, Justin pulls you very tight and you cover your eyes in Justin his chest.

You are probably the only one who found it so scary, even your best friend had a good time... well, you can't say that you didn't had a good time, like, sitting to a really handsome boy who 'protects' you isn't that bad.

The movie is finally finished and the lights turn on again. You are relieved.

Almost everybody already walks away but the four of you still sit down, and Justin his arms are still wrapped around your waist.

"The ending was so scary," Your best friend says.

"Everything was scary," You say. Justin looks at you and smirks.

"What?," You say smiling.

"Did you know guys..?," Fredo starts. You look at him.

"That you are like really cute together? he two of you are already arguing like a couple, and the way the two of you were holding eachother...," Fredo says. Your friend laughs. You blush and smile lightly.

"And you say that? The one who is all lovey dovey with the girl next to him," Justin smirks. Fredo and your friend both blush and that looks really cute.

The four of you walk towards the exit.

"I had an amazing time!," Your friend says while she hugs Fredo.

"Me too baby, I'll see you soon," Fredo says and he kisses your friend on her cheeck. aww.

"So..-," Justin starts, you look at him.
"I had a better time then I expected," Justin smirks. You laugh

"Yeah, me too actually,' You say smiling. well, not the movie, but the guy who was sitting next to you.

"So see you soon?," Justin asks. You smile and nodd. Justin smiles back at you and hugs you and kisses your cheeck. You also exchange number and then you are finally ready to go.

"Take care of yourself girls," Fredo says. You both nodd and you look at Justin. He looks at you and smiles.

"Bye,!" You and your friend both say and walk away.

"I had an amazing time, I'm so happy that you joined us," Your friend says smiling. You smile back at her and say

"Yes, me too actually," you say.

Yeah, you all know why.

You turn around one more time and look at Justin who looks at you. He waves, and so do you. Then you turn around and walk further forwards, smiling.

You are really happy you joined....

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