11 - The question (Cute/Romantic)

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Imagine Justin and you are laying on the bed together, cuddling while Justin is singing to you.

"That was beautifull, just like always," You say while Justin just finished his song.

"Not as beautifull as you are," Justin says while stroking your cheek with his thumb.
You are both laying under the blankets, your back leaning against the wall. Justin has his arms wrapped around you.

"You aren't that bad yourself," You say smirking.

"Babe?," Justin suddenly says.


"I-i need to tell you something, and i think i'm ready for it," Justin's voice cracks.

What is he talking about? This kind of things always makes you so nervous. What if he is going to tell me that he don't love me anymore?

"You aren't going to break up with me, are you?" You say while starring Justin straight in his eyes. He grabs your hands.

"No babe, ofcourse not, why do you even think about that?" You shrug your shoulders. Luckily he is not going to break up with you. But what is it then?

"It is something really important," He says. He stands up and walks towards the livingroom. After a few seconds he comes back with both his hands behind his back. He looks kinda nervous.

He climbs on the bed and sits down in front of you.

"So..." You look at Justin. He is not looking at you. He is starring at the ground.

"So?" You say. Why is he acting so nervous....

"So....-" Justin grabs your hand with his. He is holding his other hand still behind his back.

"- i want to ask you something and i think this is the right time for it" He has this cute smile on his face.
He isn't going to..... Is he?

You suddenly become really nervous.

"Do you want me to join me on tour? I think it would be amazing if you can be around me all the time, i already asked Scooter, and he was totally okay with it," Justin says with this really big smile on his face. This isn't really what you expected but this is also amazing. You can be around the love of your life all the time.

"That is amazing Justin! And ofcourse i want to join you!" You wraps your arms around Justin's neck and hug him tightly.

"But that wasn't everything," Justin says smirking.

Oh god.

"I still want to ask you something, something more important-" You look straight into his perfect brown eyes.

"- we are dating more than a year now, and i really think that i found the right girl for me. The girl who is sitting in front of me-"
You feel butterflies everywhere in your body.

"- everytime when i'm with you, i feel so happy. You make me laugh, you make me feel the most luckiest boy on the planet. You mean everything to me, and babe, i really can't imagine my life without you in it... I want you to know that i will love you till the end and longer, that i will help you trough though times, and that i will make you feel the happiest girl on the planet.. So my question is...-"

You covered your mouth with your hand and you start crying.

"- do you want to marry me, and become Mrs. Bieber?" Justin is holding a little box in front of you and opens it. The ring is so perfect, it's silver with a really big round shaped diamond on it.

"Yes Justin, yes," You say stuttering and crying. Justin smiles widely and slides the ring around your ringfinger.

Justin wraps his arms around your waist and snuggles into your neck. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck.

After a few seconds Justin faces you, and you see that he has cried. You wipe his tears away from his cheek with your thumb.

You both smile at eachother.
This is the best day ever.

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