28 - I'm over you (Really sad)

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Imagine Justin is your boyfriend. Today is the day he comes home from tour, so you finally see him again after a few months of only skyping and texting.

This is the day you have been waiting for. You are finally going to see your boyfriend again. Finally. You've been looking forward to this day since the day Justin left.

You are sitting on the couch, just watching tv when you suddenly hear a loud noise. Suddenly you feel butterflies everywhere. Is it him? You don't move and just wait until he comes in.

You hear that the front door opens and this time you sit up. A really familiar face walks inside the living room. You look him straight in the eyes, and feel that your eyes are getting watery. You open your arms and run towards him. He wraps his arms around your waist, while your arms are wrapped around his neck.

You start crying and whisper

"I've missed you so much,"

"Same," Justin says. Oh, that is the only thing he can say?. You look at him, but weird enough he doesn't seem that happy. He isn't even smiling. Why not?
Justin breaks the hug, he also let go of you. He rubs his face with his hands and sighs.

"What's wrong baby? Are you tired?," You say worried. You have never seen him like this before.

"It's not that," Justin says. You walk towards Justin and you try to kiss him but Justin rejects the kiss.
"Please, [Y/N]...," Justin says. He stands up and walks towards the kitchen, away from you.

"What?," You say while you walk after Justin. "Justin, what is wrong with you?," You start to get really nervous by now.

"[Y/N], you know I meet a lot of new people on tour right?," Justin says while he is starring at the ground.

"W- What do you mean? I don't understand this Justin," You say while you look at Justin.

"I just... I-," Justin starts.

"You what? You are supposed to be happy that you are back at home, that you can spend everyday with your girlfriend from now on, and that you can be with her every second of the day, instead of only seeing achother online trough a computer screen," You say while you start crying. You really don't know what is wrong with Justin.

"-I di-didn't missed that actually," Justin says. You look up at him. What? Justin sighs.

"By saying that I meet a lot of new people on tour, I actually meant that I met another girl," Justin says.

"W-What do you mean?," You say while your voice is shaking. Is he serious?

"I fell in love with another girl," Justin looks up at you. He isn't crying at all. He just seems relaxed. Probably because he finally said that he has another girl...

You break down in tears. You don't know what to say... Does he really mean this? With other words; he just cheated on you. This is your worst day ever.

"I'm so sorry," Justin says. He walks towards you and sits down next to you.

"You are sorry? You are not fucking sorry, because if you loved me, you wouldn't do this to me!," You shout crying. You stand up and walk away.

"[Y/N], things happen, this was not something I wanted to happen, but it happend, I can't change anything about it," Justin says.

"So, you are breaking up with me, huh?," Justin nodds. He seems so, just okay with it. How bad you want to slap him in the face rightnow...

"I waited 8 fucking months on you, and now, you say goodbye to me this easily?," You are still crying. Maybe you can change his mind by saying things like this, so that he maybe is going to regret it. But unfortunately, you don't succeed.

"[Y/N], this is not gonna workout, there is no more we, i'm sorry," Justin says while he walks towards the door. You don't say anything at all. You don't want to see or speak him ever again.

You hear the door close. You walk towards the window and stare outside. Justin is walking towards his car. Suddenly someone comes out of the car. It's a brown haired girl. She walks towards Justin and huggs and kisses him. Your heart breaks into a million pieces. They talk for a few seconds and then both step into the car.

You watch how the car drives away. Justin notice you and he looks you straight in the eyes, just before the car is out of sight. You sit down on the floor and break down in tears.....

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