42 - My brother's best friend (Sad/Cute)

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Imagine you are Ryan his 17-years-old sister. Ryan is giving a party tonight, and one of his best friend, who you have a crush on, will also come.

You are sitting in your room, starring outside the window. Youre looking at Ryan and his friends. They are all having a good time at the pool in your backyard. You sigh.

You've always been the one who never got any friends, and your brother is so populair, and has so many friends.
Many hot friends.... especially Justin, Justin Bieber.

You've never really spoke to him becasue you were afraid to do that, because, he is so hot and populair, and you? yeah.. you are just you..
How bad you wish that you had as many friends as your brother.

You walk down stairs.

"Hey hon," Your mother says.
"What were you doing?," She asks smiling.

"Nothing really," You answer.

"Well, can you bring this to the boys?," Your mom asks. She is holding some beer. Really....

"Okay," You sigh and grab the beer from your mom.

"Thanks sweetheart," Your mom says while you walk towards the boys.

"Look Ry!," One of Ryan his friends saya while he points at you. You are so embarressed.  Ry laughs.

"Is she even alowed to hold alcohol in her hands? How old is she?," One of his other friends says. You look at Justin, he is also laughing. You really hate your life rightnow.

You place the beer on a table and all of the boys directly walk towards it and grab one. You want to walk away as quick as possible but someone stops you.

"Have you ever tastes alcohol?," One of his friends says smirking. Everybody is looking at you.

"Uh, no," You say shyly. Everybody starts laughing. You want to walk away, but again someone stops you.

"This is going to be your first time," The friend says while he hands you the beer. You just stare at it.

"Come on, drink it," He says. You look at Ryan. He is also laughing. You look at the beer again and take a quick sip. Eeww it is so nasty. Everybody cheers. You quickly give the alcohol back, but then another friend of Ryan grabs you by your waist and spins you around.


"Whooo," The boy says.

"Let me go," You say calm, but the boy doesn't listen.

"Please let me go," You say, louder this time. The boy just laughs but still doesn't listen.

"Let me go!," You shout while you slap the boy his back. The boy smirks.

"You want me to let go of you?," The boy smirks.

"Yes!," You scream, you can burst out in tears in a few seconds, but you really hope that won't happen because you don't want them to see you like this, especially not Justin.

"Then I will let go of you," The boy smirks. He let go of you, but not the way you expected. He throws you in the pool.

You start screaming really loud and you hear Ryan scream

"Why did you do that bro?," He sounds very mad.

You try to get out of the pool but you fail, because you are really cold.
Someone sticks a hand out to you and lift you up, out of the pool. It is Justin.

You start crying and run towards the house. Justin follows you and grabs you by your shoulder.

"Let go of me!," You scream really loud.

"[Y/N], it's me, I didn't do anything wrong," Justin says.

"Well, you could have stopped them," You say crying.

"I didn't knew they would throw you into the pool," Justin says but you Justin walk away, really quick, and you leave Justin behind. He is also a dick, just like all your brother his other friends.

You take a hot shower and after that you just sit down in your room on the ground, against the wall. You start crying a little. Why do they treat you like this, you just don't deserve that.

Suddenly you hear someone knocks on your door.

"What," You say a  irritated while you quickly wipe away your tears. The door opens.

"It's me, Justin," He says.
"Can I come in?,"

You think about it but decide to say yes.
He walks into your room and sits down next to you.

"What are you even doing here," You ask.

"I just want to apologize," Justin says.

"For what?," You ask.

"For what they did to you, and that I didn't stopped them," Justin says. You look at Justin and start crying again. Justin wraps his arm around you shoulder and strokes your cheek with his other hand.

"Don't cry," Justin whispers.

"How can I not cry if everybody constantly treats me like crap," You say crying.

"You don't deserve to be treated like this," Justin says. You look up at him.

"You are really beautiful, [Y/N]," Justin says.
"I wish i've told you earlier, because I don't want you to be treated like this," He says. You smile at him.

"Thankyou Justin," You say smiling while you wipe away your tears. You look at Justin, and suddenly, you kiss him. You really can't do anything about it. You didn't thought about it, you just kissed him.

He taste so good. He is a perfect kisser, it is even better than in your dreams. You break the kiss and blush really hard.

"I'm sorry, I jus-." You say but Justin interrupts you.

"You don't know how long i've been waiting for this, so please, don't talk," Justin starts and the two of you start kissing again....

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