91 - One Night Stand (Sexy)

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Imagine you have been to a party yesterday night, you were pretty drunk, and when you wake up you are somewhere not familiar

You open your eyes since the sunlight hits you in the face. When you look around you notice that you are somewhere you don't wake up everyday.

You frown and look at your left, where you see a boy on the other side of the bed. He is scrolling through his phone, but when he sees that you are looking at him, he puts it aside.

"Goodmorning," he smiles, while you are still left in confusion. Who is this boy?

There is only one thing you know; he is freaking hot. He has a muscled body, a lot of tattoo's, even a small one in his face. His long blonde strail of hair is covering some parts of his face.

"Hey," you answer, smiling at the boy. You sit up straight and when you look down you notice that you aren't wearing anything to cover your upper body, so you quickly pull the blanket over it.

The boy smirks, and you can feel your cheeks burning.

"Don't be embarrased," he comforts you as he is still looking at you.

Suddenly you remember that you met him in the club yesterday. The two of you kissed and when he asked you to come home with him you said yes.

"I'm sorry, I just felt a bit confused wen I woke up, but I get that often when I drink alcohol," you speak, hearing the boy laugh a bit.

"It's okay," he says. He steps out of the bed, walking towards a closet that is placed in his room. He is wearing a white boxershort from Calvin Klein.

"Here, put this on," the boy says, he is holding a black tshirt, and gives it to you. You take it and pull it over your head, so you're covered.

"We haven't even met properly," the boys says while he sits down on the side of the bed.
"My name is Justin," he says smiling. You blush a bit and introduce yourself as well.

"Did you enjoy last night?," he asks.

"Uh, well-," you start, not knowing what to say, since you still feel a bit embarrased.

"I mean the party," Justin smirks, and you can feel your cheeks heating up.

"I actually did," you answer.

"I did so too, I had a blast, when I met you it got even better," Justin says while he puts a strail of hair behind his ear. He is so hot.

"Do you actually remember anything?," he asks laughing, making you laugh as well.

"I do," you giggle, but when you want to finish your sentence Justin interrupts

"Well you were great," he says smirking, looking at you. You frown but once you get what he is talking about, your eyes widen and you realize that you have had sex with him.

"Thanks," you mumble, hoping that he will stop talking about it. He stays quiet for some time, but then he speaks up again

"What about me?," he smirks, making you look up at him again.

Best. Night. Ever

"You were great as well," you simply reply, and you directly notice him smiling again.

"You are so cute, don't be so shy or feel embarrased around me. I know we have only met yesterday but I like you, you are cute and different," he says in the sweetest tone ever. He sits down closer to you. He smells like peppermint and some nice expensive parfume.

You quickly scan his body with your eyes, looking at all his tatts.

"You like my tattoos?," he asks while he looks at his arms. You nodd and point at his face.

"Oh, this one right here? It's a new one," he smirks.

"I love your tattoos," you says while still looking at his tattoos. When you look up you see that Justin is starring at you. You look at his lips for a few seconds.

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, even with smudged makeup and an oversized shirt you look amazing," Justin says while he strokes your cheek.

"You don't look too bad yourself either," you tell him. He leans in and pecks your lips. His lips feel so perfect and soft.

"Can I ask you something?," you say, while Justin is still sitting so close to you.

"Anything princess," he answers. The word princess makes you blush really hard.

"Can I take a shower? Since I feel pretty disgusting with this messy hair and makeup spread all over my face,"

"Ofcourse you can," Justin says while he stands up, probably to show you where to go. But when he is about to walk away he quickly turns around and looks at you

"You can, under one condition," he smirks. You smile and say

"Tell me."

"If I can come with you,"

You look at Justin, not realizing that this boy who is the hottest boy you have ever met just asked you this.

Yes please.

You nodd your head, Justin smirks and then walks towards you, lifting you out of bed, planting small kisses on your neck.

You nodd your head, Justin smirks and then walks towards you, lifting you out of bed, planting small kisses on your neck

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I love you guys! ❤️

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