57 - Jealousy argument (Sad/cute)

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Imagine you and your best friend are just at home, chilling and watching tv while your boyfriend Justin is also at home.

"Do you also want some coke?," You ask your best friend while you walk towards the kitchen.

"Yes!," She shouts. You grab some coke for her and you, and you take a look at your boyfriend who is busy with his laptop. He looks so cute. You decide to walk towards him. You wrap your arms around his neck from behind and rest your head on his.

"Hey babe," Justin says, still focused on the computer screen.

"Everything going well?," You ask He nods.

"Okay," You whisper and kisses his head. You walk away, back to the livingroom.

"Ohmygod!," Your best friend says.

What?," You say while you hand her the coke. She points at the tv screen. You look at it and see Austin Mahone.

"He is so hot!," Your best friend says.

"Yes he actually is,"

"And look at that smile, so cute,"

"His music is also great, don't you think?," You say. The two of you keep starring at him and talking about him.

Suddenly Justin covers your eyes with his hands.

"Justin! Go away!," You shout a little mad while you try yo push Justin away.

"What's wrong with you?," Justin asks irritated.

"I'm watching this," You say while you point at the tv.

"Is he more interresting then me?," Justin asks. You just nod, because you are irritated.

Justin just walks away and the two of you keep on watching the videoclip, until it is over. You actually forget about Justin and you keep on talking and having fun with your best friend.

Two hours later she dicides to leave, and when she is gone you realize Justin walked away when you watched tv.

You walk upstairs, towards the bedroom, where you catch Justin laying on the bed, starring at his Iphone screen.
You walk into the room, he doesn't even look up to you.

"Babe?," You say, but Justin ignores you.

"Justin?," You say again.

No reaction.

"Justin?," You sound a little mad this time, and when he also doesn't react this time you walk away,

"Ugh, whatever," You say and leave the room.

"If you have no attention for me, I also have no attention for you," You hear Justin say. You walk back towards the room and frown.

"What?," You say.

"You heard me," Justin says.

"You are acting so childish Justin,"

"I'm not,"

"Yes, you are, only because I wanted to see Austin," You say while you cross your arms.

"Yeah, you only had attention for him, you didn't even wanted to kiss or hug me," Justin says.

"You also don't like it if I interrupt you when you are watching something," You say.

"But i'm not watching other girls," Justin says. You make a Yeah-Sure look.

"When I look at another boy it doesn't directly say I don't want you as my boyfriend anymore," I say sighing. This argument is so pointless.
"Whatever," You say and you walk downstairs. You start crying a little. This arguement is so stupid and you really don't want to cry over this.

You sit down on the couch and just cry. A few minutes later Justin comes down and sits down in front of you, he looks up at you

"Have you cried?," Justin asks. You look at him and wipe your tears away.

"Why do you even care, I thought you didn't had any attention for me anymore," You say and you start crying again.

"Justin why do you make something big out of something stupid, I don't get it," You say.

"I'm just scared you will like another boy more then me," Justin says while his voice cracks.

"You are my boyfriend Justin, I only want and only love you, I don't want and I don't need anything else, only you," You say while you look at Justin.

"I'm sorry, I overreacted, i'm just afraid of losing you," Justin sighs, he goes with his hand trough his hair.

You both stand up and Justin wraps his arms around your waist while you wrap your hands around Justin his neck and burry your face into his shoulder-neck area.

"I'm sorry, I love you," Justin whispers while he strokes your back.

"I forgive you, but promise me you dont become mad at something like this again," You say.

"I promise baby," Justin kisses your neck.

"And... I love you too," You say and you look at Justin. He smiles and so do you and then the two of you start making out.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Not my best but yeahh...

Sorry for my late update, but I hope you understand that i'm also really busy with school and other things, but I try to update at least 1 imagine in 2 days :))

I'm also thinking about making some preferences again, good or bad idea? Let me know in the comment !

Loveyou guuysssss ❤️❤️❤️

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