9 - Best friends or..? (Cute)

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Imagine you and Justin are best friends. You like Justin very much, but you dont know if Justin feels the same for you.

You and your best friend are hanging out with Justin, Chaz and Ryan. Your best friend is dating Ryan. The guys are playing basketball and you and your best friend are just watching them.

"GO RYAN!" [BF/N] (best friends name) shouts. Ryan looks at her and waves. She blows a kiss at him.

"LOVEBIRDS!" Chaz shouts. Everyone laughs. Justin is looking at you and smiles lightly. You smile back at him.

"What was that?,"[BF/N] smirks.

"What?" You say. Of course you know what she is talking about.

"That between you and Justin", you guys are flirting like hell,'

Is it that obvious?

"We are not!," you say while you feel you are blushing.

"Ah come on [Y/N] I know you guys like each other," [BF/N] says.

"Shh," you say while you place your index finger on your best friends lips. "Don't tell anyone, okay?,"

"I promise." [BF/N] says. "I knew it!" She smirks.

But why did she say 'each other' ? Does he likes me?

"Why don't you just tell Justin you like him?,"

"Are you crazy? We've been best friends for so long, I don't want to end this friendship because of my stupid feelings," You say.

"Don't you see that Justin likes you too? He is always flirting with you and the way he looks at you, it's so obvious." [BF/N] says.

Wow. You really didn't expected this. Like, he is Justin Bieber, and even though you are his best friend, why would he pick you? Out all these girls who love him and want him?


"WE WON! WE WON! The champs are here!." I say while bro hugging Chaz.

"I have to admit, that was pretty good," Ryan says and drops the ball, "Lets go to the girls."

"So, how are things going between you and.. You know, [Y/N]?," Chaz asks me while he is smirking.

"I don't know man, I don't think she likes me, and I don't want to give up our friendship for my stupid feelings." I say. I really, really love [Y/N] but not only in a best friends way... It is more than that.

"Just tell her," Ryan stats.

"It's not that easy," I say. She is so special for me, it would break my heart into a million pieces if she doesn't like me back.

"You were so good!," [BF/N] giggles and hugs Ryan.

I'm looking over at [Y/N], she is so beautiful.

"Hey bestie," I say while sitting next to her.

"Hey Justin," She says in a cute giggling way. She is so adorable. I start tickling her and she starts laughing. I just love her laugh so much.

"Awe they are so cute together," [BF/N] says.

I'm making a mad face at her so she knows that she has to shut up. I look at over at [Y/N] and she is blushing really hard.

"Lets leave them alone." Ryan says smirking. The three of them are walking towards the basketball field so that we are alone now.

"So uhm..." [Y/N] starts. I look at her.

"How was the basketball game?," she asks.

"It was great," I say smiling. There is an awkward silence between us.
"Uh [Y/N]?," I begin. I think it's the right time to tell her that I love her.

"Yeah?," [Y/N] says while looking at me.

"So we are best friends right?,"

"Yeah, ofcourse why do you even ask that?," She says giggling. Damn, I love that giggle of her.

"Well, uhm, do you ever think about, you know, being more than just best friends?," I shyly ask her. I feel that i'm blushing.

"W-what?," [Y/N] asks.

"Because I do," I say while looking at the ground. I feel that she is looking at me. My cheeks are as red as a tomato I think.

"You do?," She asks with her cute voice.

I nod. And again, there is this stupid silence between us. I decide to look up at her.

"Me too," [Y/N] says.

"You what?!" I spat out. Did she just really said that? Us being more than just friends?

"I also think about us being a couple too sometimes," She is also blushing like hell. I look straight into her eyes while i'm coming closer and closer to her lips. Suddenly, our lips are pressed against each other. There are butterflies all over my body. I've never felt so happy before. My best friend, the girl that I love so so much, just told me she sees us as a couple too.

She breaks the kiss and smiles at me.

"I've been wanting to tell you that I love you for a long time," I say. "I was just scared that you didn't loved me back and that our friendship would be over."

"Justin," [Y/N] says. I look up at her.

"I love you too" she says. But before I could even say something back, our lips were already pressed against each other again. Suddenly I hear someone yelling at us.

I look up and see that Chaz, Ryan and [BF/N] are yelling, clapping and dancing. I look at [Y/N] and see that she is smiling like crazy. I stand up and grab her. I start twirling her around.

We are no longer just 'best friends', from now on we are 'lovers and best friends'.

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