16 - Party fight (Sad/Cute)

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Imagine you and Justin got into a fight at a party. You are still at the party and you keep looking at him, feeling guilty. He keeps glancing at you upset.

"I don't know, Justin is so jealous," You say to your best friend.

You are at a party together with your friends. Everyone of you had so much fun, untill a boy came to you a asked for your number. You didn't gave it, but Justin thinks you did, because you were talking with him.

"You didn't gave your number?" Your best friend asks you. You sit down next to eachother on a couch, on the side of the dancefloor. Justin is sitting on the other side with a few of his friends.

"No! I really didn't, but Justin doesn't believe me," You say while looking at Justin. He is starring at the ground.

"He is just jealous, and he overreacted," She says. You nodd. Yup.

"You see that guy over there?," Your best friend asks you while pointing at a boy. He looks really cute. He has light brown hair and a nice outfit.

"Yes?" You say while looking at the boy.

"He is cute," Your best friend giggles. Yes he is, but you don't want him. You only want Justin.

"He is cute, so go for him," You say.

"Are you coming with me?," Your friends asks while she is pouting. Actually you are not that excited to join her, but.. Maybe this is only way to forget a little about Justin and maybe this can save your night a little.

"Well, okay," You say while you are looking at Justin. He is talking with somebody.

"You are the best," Your best friend cheers and she grabs your hand, leading you to the boy.

The two of you walked to the boys. Your friend said hi to him and he looked surprised, but he said hi back. They talked a little. He said that his name is Connor. Connor introduced you to his friend Dan.
You guys also talked a little, just as friends, not more.

Connor and your best friend started dancing. Dan asked if you wanted to dance with him, but you said that you would be right back.

You felt guilty, because you are actually having a nice time rightnow, and Justin is still sitting on the side of the dancefloor, with a sad face.
Okay, you wanted to have a good time, but now you feel quilty.

You make a way through the crowd and buy some drinks for you and also one for Justin.

"Here," You say while handing Justin your drink. He looks up at you, he looks so sad. Aww, your heart breaks, but, it is his own fault, you didn't do anything wrong.
He takes the drink and you sit down next to him.

"I'm sorry," He says while he is looking at his drink.
"I overreacted,"

"It's okay, i understand you, because i also don't like it when you are talking to other girls, but, i really didn't gave my number," You say looking at him. You see him smiling a little.

"Why did you not came to me earlier?," You ask him.

"You were having a good time, and i didn't wanted to interrupt you," Justin says.

"Aww babe, why do you think that? I always want to be with you, don't say that," You say while you lay your head down on his shoulder. Justin smirks and kisses your head.

"Come," Justin says while taking your hand. He leads you to the dancefloor and you dance together. Your best friend enjoyed her night, and she ended up kissing with Connor.

The two of you were having so much fun the rest of the night, and you both forgot about the fight.

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