25 - Sunset kissing (Sad/Cute)

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Imagine you are in a little depression, not everything is going how you want it to at the moment, but luckily you have your boyfriend who is always there for you. He took a break, because he wanted you to be okay, and so he took you to his beach house.

You wake up, hearing the waves hitting the shore. You open your eyes. No Justin. You rub your eyes as you grab a nice comfy sweater, that is long enough so that it also covers your butt.

You walk downstairs. The door is already open and you walk towards it. Leaning on the doorframe, while you enjoy being here. You are still depressed, but this really helps, it's a good place to think about everything. In silence.

"She is awake," You hear somebody saying behind you. You smile before you even know who it is, but you know it is him. The boyfriend.

"Hi doofus," You say giggling as Justin wraps your arms around your waist and spins you around.

"Were have you been?," You ask Justin while you look at the bag he is holding.

"I thought you would be hungry when you woke up," Justin smiles and gives you the bag.

"Aww, you are the best boyfriend ever," You say while kissing his cheek. Justin shruggs his shoulder.

"So how do you feel today, little better?" Justin strokes your cheek. You shrug your shoulders. Then you look up at Justin, and he has a really concerned face.

"Make sure you feel better really soon, and I will do anything to see you as happy as you always were again," Justin says and you blush.

"I'm serious babe, okay?"
You nodd. You open the bag and eat some food that Justin bought you. It taste amazing. After that you walk outside, towards the waves. You sit down in the sand and Justin watch the beautiful view and think about how blessed you are, to be here.

As you sit there, you suddenly hear the sound of someone strumming a guitar. You look behind you and see Justin coming closer and closer.

Well did you know you're an angel? who forgot how to fly
Did you know that it breaks my heart everytime to see you cry

You hear Justin singing. He sits down next to you, he continues singing.

I will catch you if you fall
But if you spread your wings
You can fly away with me
But you can't fly unless you lets ya,
You can't fly unless yourself fall

Justin finishes his song and you start crying, for the 400th time this week.

"Don't cry babe, shh," Justin says as he wraps his arms around your shoulder. You cry into his neck, as you feel that Justin is kissing your head.

The two of you spend the whole day sitting on the sand, watching the waves.

"Justin?" You say while you keep starting at the waves.

"Yes baby," Justin answers.

"I don't get it," You say, facing him this time.

"Tell me all about it babe," Justin says.

"I don't get, why someone like you, is with a person like me, I mean, you have everything, you can get everything, and then you pick me? A small town girl with a depression?," You say. Justin has this 'what are you talking about' expression on his face.

"What? How dare you to even say that? Babe, you mean everything to me, you are special and I really don't want anybody else," Justin says while he cups your cheeks.

"It is still weird," You say, starring into his eyes.

"You are wearing this for a reason," Justin says smiling and points at your ringfinger, were a beautiful diamond engagement ring is making your hand sexy. You look at it and smile.

"I can't thankyou enough, for everything, without you I maybe wouldn't even be here anymore," You whisper that last part.

"I don't want you to say that, you are here with me now and that is all that matters," Justin say. He softly kisses you and then he suddenly stands up. He grabs you and runs towards the sea with you.

"No Justin!" You scream while you are also laughing.

"Too late!, Justin says and he runs into the water with you. The two of you laugh.

"I love you beautiful," Justin says.

"And I love you too doofus," You giggle. Justin starts tickling you and you laugh.

Then he places his lips on yours, the two of you start making out in the water, under a beautiful sunset.

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