8 - Big news (Sad/Cute)

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Imagine you and Justin had a big argument. You are really scared of losing Justin after this. It's the morning after and you just discovered something really big...

'This can't be true, can it?' You think by yourself. You stand up and walk around the bedroom. No no no..

You're standing in front of the window, with your arms resting on your head. You're just standing there for a couple of minutes, and then you think by yourself how you're gonna tell this news to Justin, well, this big news. This really big news. But what if he gets mad? We haven't spoke to each other since yesterday , when we had this big argument. But he has to know this... He has to know this right now.

If Justin and you didn't had this big argument last night, you would actually be really really excited. You take a deep breath, and then you walk out of the room.

You enter the living room. Justin is nowhere to be found. You walk towards the couch. Suddenly you notice some rose petals.

'What is this?' You think by yourself and you make a weird face. You follow the rose petals, they are leading you outside. Then you see someone standing in the grass, with a really big bouquet with red roses in his hands. The roses are covering the persons face, so you don't see who it is, but you know that it is Justin.

There is a smile on your face. You walk towards Justin and you stand still right in front of him.

Justin brings the bouquet a little to the left side, so you can see his face. Justin has an apologetic look on his face. Awe, he is so cute.

"Babe?," Justin says with a really cute voice.


"I- I'm really sorry about last night, maybe I overreacted a little, so this is for you," he says while he hands you the bouquet.

"Thank you Justin, you really didn't have to to this," You say with the bouquet in your hands. They smell delicious.

"I just didn't know how to get you to forgive me," Justin says shyly.

"It's okay, you know it don't like it when we have arguments,"

"Me neither..." Justin speaks.

"Come here," You gently lay the roses down on the grass. You wrap your arms around Justin's neck while Justin wraps his arms around your waist. He picks you up and twirls you around. He puts you down and kisses your nose gently.

"Um Justin..." You say while you are looking down at the grass.

"Yeah?," Justin says.

"I- uh, need to tell you something," this is the moment of truth, how will he react? Will he get mad?

"What do you want to tell me ,babe?," Justin says while grabbing your hands. "You know you can tell me everything, whatever it might be."

"But this is not just something, this is actually really big news," You finally look Justin in the eyes. He is starring into yours.

"I'm pregnant." There is silence between the two of you. This is exactly what you thought. Justin will get mad. What if he doesn't want you anymore? You look at Justin and suddenly, there is a really big smile on his face. What?

"That is amazing!," Justin says while hugging you very tight.

"I'm going to be a dad!" Justin screams, he is smiling even bigger right now.

"You aren't mad?,"

"Mad? Did you think I would get mad? Of course not! This is the best news ever!," You stare Justin in the eyes, and then you start smiling as well. You are so happy right now. He couldn't react any better than this.

"I love you." You say while kissing Justin. You feel Justin smiling.

"I love you too," Justin mumbles while your lips are still connected. Justin breaks the kiss and kisses your belly while saying

"And I already love you too little buddy."

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