31 - Dance audition (Sexy/Cute)

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Imagine you are a dancer. You are going to do audition for Justin his upcoming tour today.

You finally arrived at the place where the auditions will be. You see a lot of people walking in dance clothes, really a lot. You walk inside the building. There is a sign that says

'Believe tour auditions'

You look up to it and then you walk further. You arrive at a huge place. There are a few people. They all have a number on their clothes.

"Umm hi," You say shyly to one of the dancers. She smiles at you.

"How did you get that number?," You ask her. The girls points at a table and says that you will get your number there. You thank her and walk towards the table. A woman is standing behind it.

"Hello sweetheart, what is your name?," She asks you.

"[Y/N]," You say. The woman looks at a list.

"Found you," the woman says smiling. She grabs a number from the table and hands it to you.

"Number 66, your audition will be at 10;15," the woman says. You thank her and say goodbye.

It is already 9;30, so you have to wait for 45 minutes. Well, that is okay...

In the time you have to wait you practice a little, and after that you sit down and just rest, loading energy for this important moment.


"Numbers 65 till 75, follow me," A man shouts. A few people stand up and so do you. Everyone follows the man to a special room. The real audition room. The man tells us a few things, and after he is done, it's time to rock. You still have to wait for a couple of minutes because dancer number 65 will be first. You watch her whole audition from the sideline. She is unbelievable good. Then you hear some scream

"Number 66 please," Your stomach turns around. Oh god. The moment of truth. This moment can make or break your life. You walk inside the room, without looking towards the people who will judge your audition.

You stand in the middle of the room and you slowly breath in and out. Then the music starts and your body starts moving in sync with it. Your body follows the music perfectly and it feels like you and the music are one. You make some cool and sexy moves. When the song is almost finishes you twirl your hair around your finger and you strike an end pose.

You are now looking at the people who just watches your audition. You look into two beautiful brown eyes. His look is so serious.

Did you ruined it?

Suddenly everybody starts clapping and cheering. You start smiling. You are so relieved, everything went great!

"That was amazing," Justin says. You blush and walk away. A man leads you to a big room. He tells you that you have to wait here untill they told you if you can join the Believe tour as a dancer.

You look at yourself in the big mirrors on the wall. You smile at yourself because you are so proud. You start to dance your whole audition again.

When you finish your dance you see that someone is standing in the door opening. It is Justin. He is clapping. You smile and blush.

"That was amazing, again," Justin says.

"Thankyou," You say shyly.

"And what is your name beautiful?," Justin asks. Did Justin Bieber just called you beautiful? Yes, he did!

"[Y/N]," You say.

"Well, [Y/N], you are a damn good dancer, I want to see more of you," Justin says. He walks towards a radio and plays his song 'Beauty and a beat'.

"But, I don't have another choreo, I mesn-," You say but Justin interrupts you.

"You don't need a choreo, just feel the music and dance, you know? Like freestyling," Justin says. You nodd. You listen to the music and you start to dance. You wave your arms from side to side and you wip your hair back an forth. Justin walks towards you and starts dancing with you.

He is dancing really close to you, almost against you. It feels good and the two of you have so much fun.

At the body rock part, Justin grabs your waist and rocks his body against you. Your body's move perfectly in sync and it feels so naturally.

The song ends and Justin is holding you very tight, the two of you stare in eachothers eyes. You can feel his breath on your skin. The two of you are coming closer and closer

"Dancers numbers 1 till 75, please come back to the audition hall," You hear someone saying. He ruined your moment.

"I- I have to go," You say, but when you try to walk away Justin still holds you.

"You don't have to go," Justin says.

"But I-," You starts but Justin let you stop talking by kissing you.
Woa, what?

"No, you don't have to go, you can join the Believe tour," Justin says smiling. You really can't believe this, you just kissed THE Justin Bieber, and you will also be one of his dancers on his Believe tour? This can't be happening.

You want to scream, but instead of screaming you just smile.

"Thankyou so much Justin," You say.

"No, thankyou for being here," Justin says smiling and he kisses you again.


Did you guys liked the imagine? I hope so! :)

I uploaded Chapter 1 of my new book 'I'm Over You' ! Maybe you can go check it out :)

I love you all ❤

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