84 - A lonely Christmas? (Sad/Really cute)

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Imagine Justin is your boyfriend. You live in New York, and you really wanted to celebrate Christmas together with Justin, but he is too busy to fly over to New York.

"I'm so sorry babe, I would have love to celebrate Christmas together with you, but you know that i'm always busy..", Justin says trough the telephone, while you are standing in your room, looking out of the window and seeing all the happiness and love. And you are just... so lonely.

Your parents are celebrating Christmas at another place. You didn't want to go, because you planned on celebrating Christmas with your boyfriend. But yeah... things got turned around.

"It sucks Justin, I said no to my family to be with you, and now i'm just here alone. It's freaking Christmas and i'm all alone in this big city..", you say to Justin.
"You promised to be here with me, and you've let me down."

"I don't let you down love, it's not on purpose, it's just... Dating me has consequences, and you know that. I'm so sorry", Justin sounds a bit irritated, but it's his own fault.
"I will call you later today ,okay? I have to go now, I love you babe".

"Okay, talk to you later, love you.", you answer, and then hang up the phone.
Ugh, you sit down in bed and sigh.

You look at the pictures at your bedroom wall. Only pictures of Justin and you. He makes you really happy, and you know that. But sometimes it can be so annoying. You never know if everything Justin promised, is really going to happen. Justin is right, dating him has consequences, but it's not just that easy.You have to live with that.

After a while of just sitting in your room you decide to get up and do something. Sitting at home all day alone at Christmas isn't the best thing to do. Normally Christmas is your favorite time of the year, but this year it isn't. You decide to go outside and go shopping; some food for tonight, and maybe some cute Christmas things.

When you come back from the shopping mall, with two big bags of food and candles, Christmas lights and other stuff, you grab your phone. No messages and no missed calls.

You quickly check your Facebook, and see all of your friends having a great time together with their families. Gathered around the Christmas tree, watching movies together, having dinner together, everything together...

When you arrive at your apartment you open the door and sigh. You put off your jacket and shoes, and make it yourself comfortable. You open one bag, the one with the Christmas stuff. You take out the lights, Christmas balls, and a heart shaped picture frame.

You walk to your room and grab a picture of Justin. A picture that you really love, but you didn't had any time to give it a spot. But when you saw this picture frame you had to buy it. You walk back to the living room and place the picture in the picture frame.

You look at it and smile. You miss him so much.. Especially right now. It has been two weeks since you've seen him. You were so happy that he was coming to New York. Well... that's what you thought.

It's already 8 o'clock. You just had dinner, and now you are just watching TV. Justin still hasn't called you or messaged you back, what makes you much more sad.
The music outside is playing so loud, you can almost feel the coziness. You walk towards the window and look outside. Everybody is having such a great time. People are ice skating, walking hand in hand, laughing, having fun...

Suddenly you hear your phone. You walk towards the table and grab it. A text message from Justin.
He asks if you can make a picture of the big 'famous' Christmas tree in New York, which is standing 2 minutes away from your apartment.

You frown. Why does he want me to make a picture of it? A little weird but okay, whatever. Maybe it is nice to go outside for some time, and feel the coziness.

You quickly put on your sneakers and coat, grab your phone and walk out of your apartment, towards the big tree.

It's really cold outside. Your breath evaporates, and your shoes leave a print in the thin layer of white snow. You wish you had put on your gloves and scarf, too bad.

When you arrive at the big Christmas tree, you see a lot of couples kissing, holding hands and cuddling. You decide to quickly take a picture, and get away, before you get emotional or something.

So you grab your phone, and try to make a nice picture for Justin.
Suddenly someone cover your eyes. You scream a little, who is that?
You quickly turn around, and see a boy with dark blonde hair and brown eyes standing in front of you, smiling.

You cover your mouth and tears fill your eyes.

"Justin?!,", you scream really loud and wrap your arms around your boyfriend his neck.
"What are you doing here?," You say really loud.

"Celebrating Christmas with the most beautiful person I know," Justin smiles.

I thought you were too busy.. I.. I don't understand it," You say smiling while you wipe away some tears.

Justin kisses your forehead and smiles, while he puts your face in between his warm hands.

"Babe, I told you that I wouldn't let you down, never ever, and I planned on coming here, celebrating Christmas with you, but I wanted to surprise you," Justin says. You get that warm feeling inside your stomach.

"You stupid fool,", you slap Justin his arms softly, and smiles at the same time crying.
"I don't like surprises!,"

"I know, maybe it wasn't the best surprise every, but yeah...," Justin smirks.

"I didn't enjoy this day, but now... it can't be any better," You hug Justin again. Feeling so happy.

"I'm so sorry babe, but I hope you still love me,", Justin laughs.

"I will always love you, even though you can be so stupid sometimes," You giggle, kissing Justin his cold lips.

"And I will always love you babe, forever and always." Justin grabs your hand and the two of you enjoy the rest of the evening, not feeling lonely at all, having fun and laughing, just like everyone does, and just how you want to spend your Christmas days.

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