10 - Best Christmas ever (cute)

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Imagine Justin and you are dating for 3 months rightnow, and it's finally time to meet his family.


"Baby, hurry up, we gotta go!," I scream upstairs, while i'm waiting for [Y/N].

It's Christmas and I think this is the perfect day for [Y/N] to meet my family for the first time. This is the first time that i introduce a girlfriend to my family. She is special. For the first time i really feel that i have found my perfect match, or i prefer say, the love of my life.

"I'm coming!" She screams from upstairs.

I watch her walking down the stairs.  Every step she takes i follow her with ny eyes, following her perfect body.
She smiles at me and i feel my belly exploding. I have butterflies everywhere.

"Do you like my dress?" She asks me while turning around, so i can see her whole outfit.

"I-i love it" I say smiling at her. She is blushing.

"Come here," I grab her by her waist and push her softly against me, so that there is no space between us.

I softly stroke her cheek and tell her how beautifull she is. She softly pecks my lips, and hugs me tight.

"I'm so nervous," I hear her whispering in my ear.

"You don't have to be nervous babe, i'm sure that they will love you, don't worry," I stroke her back with my hands.

"But what if they don't?" She says, this time facing my, looking me straight in the eyes.

"That is not going to happen, and after all, they don't have to like you, as long as i love you everything is okey," I see that she is a little bit more relaxed after saying this.

She smiles at me and takes my hand. She grabs her purse with her other hand while saying 'Let's go'

❀ YOUR P.O.V.❀

Justin and you drove one hour to get to his parents house.
You are really nervous right now...

What if they really don't like you? What if they think you are ugly? What if what if....

"Are you okay baby?" Justin asks you while grabbing your hand. You stare blanky at the ground and nodd.

Together you walk towards the front door and Justin rings the bell. After a few seconds someone opens the door.

"Hi! Justin!" Pattie says with a really big smile on her face. She hugs Justin. She asks how he is doing, and after that she notice you.

"Hi sweetheart!" Pattie says while hugging you.

"Hi" You say shyly back.

"So this is [Y/N]?" Pattie still has that big smile on her face. You see that Justin nodds with a proud face.

"You look gorgeous," Pattie says.  Justin smiles at you and you smile back at him before walking inside.

His whole family is already inside and Justin introduced you to everyone.
They are all so nice and friendly.

"So this is my boy's girl," You hear Jeremy saying while he patts Justin his shoulder. You are sitting on the couch, next to Justin, who has his arm wrapped around your shoulder.

"This is her." Justin faces you and smiles at you, before kissing your lips.

Suddenly you hear 'awww' coming from the other side of the room.
You look up and see Pattie standing there with Justin his grandparents, watching you. You blush lightly.

You have the time of your life together with Justin his family. You feel so welcome.
Justin is playing with his little brother and sister. He is so cute when he is playing with little kids. It warms your heart.

After eating dinner, it's time for some Christmas presents.

"[Y/N], this is for you." Pattie says while handing you a little box. You blush lightly and smile. His whole family is watching you rightnow.

You open the little box. The first thing you notice is a little note.

It says 'For my girl, from your Justin'

You look up at Justin and see that he is blushing. He is so cute.

You look in the box and you see a little golden heart with letters on it. It's a necklace. You watch it closely.


You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. You place your hand for your mouth and you feel that your eyes are getting watery.

Justin walks towards you and places a kiss on your cheek. He grabs the necklace out of the little box and places it around your neck.

You look at it, it is just so beautiful.

"What does it say?" Pattie asks. You proudly show everybody your little golden heart and everybody likes it.

You see Justin smiling and you hug him.

"Thankyou so much, i love it" You say while hugging Justin. Justin looks up at you and places a kiss on your lips.

"And i love you" He says.

This is definitely the best Christmas ever.

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