89 - Fan Meeting (Sad/Cute)

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Imagine Justin has a fan meeting today, and you, as his famous girlfriend, will ofcourse come with him.

"Are you excited babe?," You ask Justin while smiling.

"I am!," He answers while the two of you walk inside the building where the meeting will find place.

The meeting is a special meeting, with 5 fans who won a VIP ticket in a twitter competition. The meeting will take 15 minutes, and there is time for talking and taking pictures ofcourse.

"There you are!" Scooter shouts as both of you enter the room. Justin greets Scooter with a hug, and so do you.

"The girls are already waiting, so should I get them?," Scooter says as he walks towards a door.

"Let's do this," Justin says as he takes off his jacket and peeks you on your cheek.

A few seconds later the girls walk through the door, and as soon as they notice Justin they start running towards him and start screaming.

"Justin!," the girls all scream at the same time as they reach him and almost jump on top of him. You smile at the sight knowing your boyfriend makes so many girls happy. After they all greeted Justin they walk towards you and greet and hug you.

"Hi girls," you say smiling. You have a little talk with the girls and so does Justin. He talks to all of the girls and takes some pictures with them. There is one girl who is acting really calm, which Justin seems to enjoy.

She is hanging around him all the time, and Justin has his arm wrapped around her shoulder. You know that it is just a fan, and that Justin loves his fans, so you shouldn't worry and try to ignore it.

You talk with the girls a bit more and they all compliment you.

"You are so beautiful," one of the girls says and you hug her.

"Aw you are the sweetest," you answer while you give her a hug. You take some selfies with her and promise to post one on your Instagram and so you do.
"What is your Instagram name?," you ask the girl and hand her your phone so she can type it in. She hands the phone back and you decide to follow her on Instagram.
"Thank you so much for the follow," the girl says in tears.

As you look over at Justin again you see that he is still busy talking with that girl. Both of them are holding their phones in their hands and it seems like they are exchanging something.

You walk towards a security guard and ask him how many time there is left. He looks at his watch and signs to another guard that he has to open the door. He then walks towards Justin and says that there is no time left.

The girls almost start crying and hug Justin one last time. The girl he has been talking to the whole time hugs him as last girl in line, and she wraps her arms around his neck while Justin wraps his arms around her waist. He pecks her cheek and as she breaks the hug Justin winks at her. You roll your eyes and as she walks by to say goodbye to you, you fake a smile and wave her goodbye.

As soon as the girls have left you grab your bag out of a room where you placed all of your stuff and walk towards the exit.

"Babe, where are you going?," Justin shouts.

"Heading towards the car," you stat and walk towards the parking lot where the car is placed. You open it and step inside as you take a deep sight.

Why does he has to be so intimate.. you know he is your boyfriend and that he loves you, but seeing him doing something like this doesn't make you really happy. You may call it jealousy but what would you be if your boyfriend is the hottest boy on earth?

You wait for a few more minutes until Justin finally walks outside the building towards the car.

"Babe, why did you go to the car that early?," he asks as he places his hand on your thigh.

"Just because," you shrug, but Justin ignores it.

"Did you say goobye to Scooter?," Justin asks but you reply with a no.

"I will text him in a few," you add.

"Okey babe, did you enjoy it?,"

"Yes I did," you say as you look at Justin who is smiling at you.
"You enjoyed it as well, huh," you stat, making Justin frown.

"Ofcourse I did, I love my fans," he answers and starts the car.

"Yeah, I have noticed," you mumble causing Justin to look at you.

"What do you mean?," he frowns and shuts the car down again. You shrug and look down at your feet.

"Who was that girl?," you ask him as you look up at him, leaving him in confusion.

"What girl?," he replies a bit irritated because his voice has raised.

"Come on, don't pretend I'm stupid, you were talking with her the whole time, and you acted unbelievably intimate," you scold, waving your hands in the air.

"The girl from the meet and greet? Oh come on please, she is just a fan! Do you really think I like her or something since you are acting this jealous?,"

"Well, yes, she was very pretty and she was hanging around you all of the time, you were even exchanging something on your phones,"

Justin sighs very deep and let his head fall back against his seat. Maybe you act a little too jealous, but if you don't speak about it, things only get worse.

"Honey, please listen to me," Justin starts as he grabs your hand. You look up at him and feel your eyes get a little wet.
"She told me that she has been really ill, and that she didn't know if she would make it, but she did. Her dream was to meet me, and she managed to, I just wanted to spent some extra time with her knowing she had been in such a though situation, but that's it!," Justin says in a more calming tone now. You immediately regret you being jealous.

"I only have eyes for you, no one is as pretty as you are. You are mine and you will be forever!," he says as he pulls you into the biggest hug ever. You snuggle your head into his neck as Justin pecks yours.

"I'm sorry Justin, I guess I am just too worried to loose you," you speak.

"You will never loose me, I love you!." Justin says, you look up at him and quickly peck his lips.

"Love you more."

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