54 - Love drunk 2/2 (Sexy/Cute)

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Sequel to 'Imagine 53 - Love Drunk' I recommend you reading that part first if you haven't yet.

We danced the whole night long. Everybody was having a really good time and we were partying like we always do.

Suddenly the music starts to get slower, and they play a love song, like they always do, every saterday night.

Normally everybody grabs a random girl or boy, but this time it is different. Justin turns you around and grabs you by your waist.

"I want to dance with you tonight," Justin smirks. You look at him and smile.
It felt a little uncomfortable in the beginning, because he is your best friend, and suddenly the two of you are so close.

You finally decide to wrap your arms around Justin his neck. He smiles and you see him blushing a little what makes you blush too.

"Are you have a good time so far?," Justin whispers in your ear, he then looks at you and smile.
You nodd and Justin smiles even bigger. Justin pulls you even closer to him, so that there is no space between the two of you.

A situation like this never happend before but you actually like it, a lot. You never expected this from Justin. normally he would goof around and stuff, but it really looks like he is taking this very seriously.

The song ends and the music starts playing really loud again. Everybody cheers and screams and start dancing very wild again.

Justin slowly let go of you, he takes your hands in his and keeps starring at you. He then let your hands slip trough his and walks away, towards Ryan and Fredo. You still stand on the same place, still a little shocked of what just happend.

Suddenly someone taps on your shoulder. It is your friend.

"What did just happen?," She asks you. You just shrug and smile.

"I saw something happend between the two of you," She shouts.

"I really don't know," You say. You can't stop smiling and you don't know why.

You and your friend start dancing again. Sometimes you search for Justin, but he is just dancing with Ryan and Fredo and some other girls. You can't stop thinking about Justin.

The clubs starts to get empty, but it is already really late, but you are all so pumped, you don't want to go home already.

Suddenly Justin, Ryan and Fredo are standing behind you and your friend in the club.

"Girlssss," Ryan says. The two of you turn around and see the three boys. You look at Justin and he looks at you, smiling. For the first time you got shy around him.

"We wanted to go swimming in the lake, next to his club," Ryan smirks.

"Yes! Let's go skinny dipping!," Your best friend says enthousiastically.

"Are you guys crazy? It is 4AM," You say.

"I don't think Justin would mind to go naked with you," Ryan says.

"Man," Justin says and he slaps Ryan his shoulders. You giggle a little.

"Are you guys in?," Ryan asks. Everybody looks at eachother and agree.

Everybody walks out of the club, towards the lake.

"Woa it is so cold!," Your friend says while she touches the water with her hand.

You look at your left and see that Ryan and Fredo are already standing in their underwear, ready to go in the water.

"Wait for me!," Your friend shouts and she undresses really quick.

"1,2,3...," Fredo shouts and the three of them run towards the water. They shout and say it is very cold, but they don't leave the water.

You decide to sit down in the grass, and just watch your friends, who are having fun in the water. You are only wearing a tanktop, and it is almost 5AM, so it is really cold.

Justin suddenly sits down next to you. You look at him and smile at him, he does the same.

"Why were you so calm tonight?," Justin asks. You begin to blush.

"I wasn't," You lie.

"Yes you was," Justin says. He playfully pushes your shoulder, so you fall on your side.

"Justin," You say giggling. He wraps his arms around your shoulder and pulls you against him.

"Was it because of the dance?," Justin asks. You look at him and smile.
"Because, that is also the reason why I was so calm," Justin says.

"Really?," You ask.

"Yeah," Justin says while he looks at the others in the water.
The two of you are quiet for a while.

"[Y/N]," Justin says. You look at Justin. He strokes your hair behind your ear and looks at you. His touch gives you goosebumps.

"You are really beautiful," He says. You giggle and start blushing. You really don't know what to say.

"Kiss me," Justin says. You are surprised by his words but before you know Justin cups your cheek with one of his hands and places his lips on your lips.

It just feels magical and you never expected this to happen, but you are really happy about it. His lips taste like alcohol but you really don't mind. The place, the kiss, and the boy...... everything is perfect.

Justin breaks the kiss and blushes really hard. He pushes your head against his breast and strokes your back with both of his hands.

"Woooooo," You suddenly hear people scream. You look up and see that Ryan, Fredo and your friend are all waving and cheering. You blush really hard.

"I think they saw it," You say laughing.
Justin just smirks and kisses your cheek.

Justin stands up and grabs your hand, he helps you stand up. You expect him to let go of your hand but instead of that he intertwines your fingers. You look at it and then at Justin. He smiles and so do you.

"D-do you want to go home with me?," Justin asks shyly. You stroke your hair behind your ear and nodd slowly.

"Yes?," Justin asks a bit surprised, but you just smile and say


Justin pulls you closer to him and the two of you walk towards Justin his car, leaving the other behind, without knowing what will happen next, but the only thing you know is that you are really happy about everything that happend this night.

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