19 - Clubbing with Bieber? (Sexy)

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Imagine it's saturday night and your friends and you are going to a club your friends has choosen this night.

"Ready to party!" You scream while you scream while walking into the club. Your friends wanted to go clubbing, and since you L O V E clubbing, you joined them.

You never go to the same place, you always try something different. And because you and your friends never been to this club before, you decided to visit this one, your friends had choosen.

"Let's get some shots," Your friends say while grabbing your arm. The four of you walk together to the bar and ask for some shots.

"1,2,3...," One of your friends screams and everyone drinks the shot. You directly feel so hyper and ready to party.

"Oh my god, look over there, you see that boy? He is so cute," One of your friends says while pointing at the boy.

"You said you didn't want to have a boyfriend anymore since your last breakup," You say smirking.

"That was before i saw him," She says. You laugh and shake your head.

"You are crazy, but I love you, so go for him," You say, but she didn't even heard the last part because she already left. You laugh.

You look at your other friends and they are already on the dancefloor, dancing with some guys. You walk towards them and also start dancing.

The three of you are having the time of your life. You are dancing, screaming, singing.. This night is perfect.

Suddenly you feel someone grinding on you. You also feel two hands on that are placed on your hips. You like it and you start dancing moving in sync with him. He is holding your hips very tight and moves slowly against you. You try to be sexy by moving as slow and sexy as you can be. You feel something growing... Well, you think you succeed.

You turn around to see who this person actually is, but when you see him you can't believe it. Justin Bieber? You look at him and he is smirking.

Your grab one of your friends hand and says

"I have to go to the bathroom, come," you lead her to the bathroom.

Once you are in you look at her without saying anything.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? I thought you had to go to the bathroom," She says a little bit irritates, wich you totally understand because she was having fun with a nice guy.

"No, I don't," You say.

"Then why we are here?, Your friend says.

"I was just dancing, and suddenly someone started dancing with me, I didn't knew who, but after a few minutes I began to be curious who is was dancing with, and when turned around, I saw it was Justin Bieber," You say. Still very suprised.

"No, you are kidding, it was just a look a like," Your friend says.

"I swear it was Justin Bieber," You try to convince your friend.

"Don't tell me bullshit,"

"I don't te-" You try to say but your friend already walks out of the door.
You follow her but when you come outside the bathroom there is a guy standing who you recognize.

It is him.

"I was searching for you!" Justin says while walking towards you. Oh, my, god.

"For me?" You ask.

"Yes, you are an amazing dancer," Justin says smirking.
"I would like to see some more of you," He says checking you out.

"I-" you try to say but your friend interrupts you.

"Hey, are you coming or what?," She walks towards you but then she sees Justin.

"Oh my, you were right," She says surprised.

"What do you mean?," Justin asks frowning.

"[Y/N] just told me that you were grinding on her, and I didn't believed her," She says.

"So, your name is [Y/N]?," Justin smirks. He walks closer to you and takes your hand. He leads you to the dancefloor and the two of you start dancing again.

Not only sexy, but also funny. You are having the time of your life. You totally forget about the fact that Justin is a superstar, rightnow he just feels like a cool dude you just met, not the most famous and hottest 19-years-old boy on this earth.

Suddenly Justin grabs you by your waist and pulls you closer. He places his lips on your, asking for entry. You accept the kiss and the two of you start making out.

The kiss is perfect, the taste of his lips are so good, he is such a good kisser. Your lips are moving in sync and your tonques are dancing sexy with eachother... Lol.

After a few minutes Justin breaks the kiss and smiles at you.

Justin pulls you closer and whispers thankyou in your ear. After that Justin left the club. You are still so in shock. You just danced and kissed with Justin fucking Bieber. This is amazing.

You enjoyed your evening even more after this, it was your best club night ever...

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