70 - EMA's 1/2 (Super cute)

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Imagine that the EMA's are in your country this year. Unfortunately you have no tickets, but you are still going, you are just going to wait outside and see if you see some famous people.

"Omg we really have to go now!," Your friends says while she puts on some lipstick.

"Yes! Like now!," You say and the two of you run outside, towards the train. You live a few minutes away from the place where the EMA's will be this year. It is already really dark and it is about to begin.

When you finally arrive at the right train station, you are and your friend make your way as quick as possible trough all of the people, and when you arrive at the stadium there are so many people.

There are lights and music everywhere and there is even a red carpet.

"Come on! Quick!," You say. You grab your best friends arm, while the teo of you try to make your way to the red carpet. You have to push many people away, but you succeed.

The two of you are now standing 'front-row'

"Omg this is amazing!,"Your best friends screams. You scream too and make a happy dance.

Suddenly all of the lights fall off, and everybody starts screaming and shouting. Then some big spotlights turn on and the music starts playing really loud.

"What's going on?!," You scream. Then you hear all the people scream, and when you look at the red carpet you see that the spot is focussed on the people on there.

Suddenly famous people like Rihanna, Rita Ora, Cara Delevigne, Bruno Mars and Demi Lovato are standing in front of you.

"Take picture take pictures, I can't take any more pictures!," Your friend shouts. You try to make as much photos as you can make, but they are all very blurry because you are just too excited.

A lot of famous people walked past you, but then, there is the one who you actually came for, well, you hoped he is here, and look, he is.

Justin Bieber

You love him to dead. You grab your friends arm and say

"I'm about to fait, Justin freaking Bieber is standing in front of me!, You say while you try to make so many pics, you are almost crying.
Justin walks past the crowd and touches some hands, but then he grabs your iphone and he says

"Say cheese babe," You don't know what is going on so you just smile. Justin hands you the phone back and he looks at you. You can't move, you can't believe what is happening.

Then Justin walks towards a guard and he whispers something in his ear, and then he points at you. Your friend next to you is also going crazy you both don't know what is happening.

The guard walks towards you and he leads yoi and your friend backstage. You are shaking all over, you really don't know what is happening.

"There you are!," You hear a voice, you look around and you see that it is Justin.You cover your mouth with your hands and so does your friend. Justin just smirks.

"Well, I actually brought you here because you are really beautiful, and I needed a date, so what do you say?,"


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