12 - Remember me (Sad)

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Imagine Justin is going on world tour. You are not coming with him, so you can't see him for a very long time. That's why you both decided to break up..

You are holding Justin's hand, while you are both walking towards Justin his plane.
It is your last time that you are together, and you are both very sad.

Justin walks towards Scooter with his bags, and gives it to him, so that Justin can say goodbye to you.

Justin is walking towards you and opens his arms. He wraps his arms around your waist and you wrap you arms around his neck.

You are holding eachother very tight.

"I'm so sorry.." Justin mumbles. You are really upset but you understand it.

"I know Justin, it is not your fault, we both decided this and it's better for both of us," You say while stroking Justin his back.

Justin faces you and you stroke his cheek.

"I'm so sorry," Justin whispers very softly, but loud enough to hear it. You kiss Justin. He kisses you back. The kiss is full with passion. It is one of the most meaningfull kisses you have ever shared with him.

"I hate goodbyes," Justin says breaking the kiss.

"Me too," You say.

"I have something for you," Justin let go of you and grabs something out of his pocket. It is a little box. He smiles lightly and opens it. He grabs something out of the box. You see that it is a necklace.

He puts it around your neck. You look at it. It's a golden heart, with ' Forever ' on it. You smile at him.

"Justin-," You begin, but Justin interrupts you.

"For you babe, because i will love and remember you forever," A tears streams down Justin his face. It breaks your heart.

"Please, don't forget about me," Justin his voice cracks.

"I will never ever forget about you, i will be right here waiting for you," You say with a light smile while wiping Justin his tears away with your thumb.

"Thankyou for everything," You say. Justin smiles at you and kisses the heart necklace.

"JUSTIN!," You hear Scooter screaming. "TIME TO GO."

"So this is it, i guess," You say. Justin is looking straight into your eyes and grabs your hands. He pecks your lips quickly.

"I love you," he says while he softly let go of you hands and walks backwards. You feel his hands slip out of yours. He is leaving for real now.

Justin turns around and walks inside the plane.

You start crying while you softly whisper Justin his name.

Justin turns around one last time and blows a kiss at you. You blow a kiss back at him. Justin turns around and he is gone. Inside of the plane.

You feel so empty.

"This was it." You say while kissing the heart of your necklace.

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