47 - meeting you again 2/2 (cute)

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Sequel to 'Imagine 45 - meeting you again 1/2' I recommend you reading that part first if you haven't yet.

"Didn't expected that I would bump into you again," Justin smirks.

"I'm so sorry," You say. Oh god this is so embarrassing.

"Guys-," Justin starts talking to his friends. Yes... he is with 2 friends what makes it even more embarrassing because he is probably going to tell the story again..

"-a couple days ago we also bumped into eachother, like, almost on the same place.. It's probably just meant to be," Justin says. You blush and giggle and stroke your hair behind your ear.

"So, I have to go now," You say.

"Why don't you just hang out with us?," Justin asks.

"Well, uh, are your friends okay with that?," You ask. Justin looks at his friends and they both nodd.

"Okay, so I guess I will stay," You say smiling.

"Yeey!," Justin cheers and he wraps his arm around your shoulder.
"Oh, by the way guys, this is [Y/N], and [Y/N], this are Ryan and Fredo," Justin says. You look at Justin his friends and smile.

The four of you walk towards the beach. Suddenly Ryan grabs a volleybal out of his bag.

"Let's play volleybal," Ryan smirks. Ohno.... you don't like sport that much.

"Only if [Y/N] will join my team," Justin says really sweet. You smile at him.

"Sure," You say and walk towards Justin. You start playing, 2 against 2. Everybody is having so much fun. Justin contstantly touches you, and at every touch of him your legs feel weak. You start to like very much..

"We won!," Justin cheers and he hugs you and spins you around. You also cheer.

"Let's go drink something," Justin says.

"Good idea," You say smiling, Justin smiles back at you.
"But no starbucks this time,"

"No, definitely no starbucks," Justin smirks. Justin, you and the other two boys walk towards a little café and order some drinks.

"Thankyou," You say while the waiter gives you your drink. You are sitting in front of Justin, and he keeps starring at you. And everytime you look at him, he looks away, so cute...

"I'm going to pay for the drinks," Justin says a few minuts later. He stands up and walks away.

"We see it," Ryan smirks.

"What?," I ask pretending like I don't know what he is talking about.

"You and Justin," Fredo says.

"There is nothing between us, I mean, this is the second time we hang out with eachother," You say. Ryan smirks.

"Love at first sight," Ryan says. You blush and shake your head.

"You like him," Ryan says while he starts tickling you. You start laughing really loud when Fredo also starts tickling you.

Suddenly Justin is standing behind Ryan, and he says

"Let's go," The three of you all look at him. He looks a bit jealous.  Fredo, Ryan and you stand up and walk towards Justin, who already walked out of the restaurant.

We all walk along the shore, just talking and laughing, when Justin says

"[Y/N], can you come with me for a second please?," Justin asks. You look at Justin and nodd. The two of you walk away from Fredo and Ryan, who keep shouting 'Don't make it PG guys'.

Justin walks with you on the beach, when he suddenly stops.

"[Y/N]?," Justin says. You look at him, and start to get really nervous.

"Yes, Justin?," You say.

"Well, I actually don't know how to say this but...-," Justin starts.
"- this probably sounds really stupid because this is only the second time we see eachother-," Justin keeps blathering, so you interrupt him.

"Just say it," You say.

"Well, when I first saw you... I don't know, I just felt a kind of sparkle, and I directly knew that you were special," Justin says blushing. Aww, this is so cute.

"And i'm so happy we met again, because I was thinking about you all day, and I just couldn't get you out of my mind, and it was so stupid we did 't exchanged numbers...," Justin says. You blush really hard.

"You are so sweet! And I have to admit that i'm also really happy that we met again," You say.

"Really?," Justin says with a big smile on his face. You nodd.

"Well, I have an idea.. let's exchange numbers directly, and then I also have a question for you," Justin says.

"What is the question?," You say smiling.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?," Justin asks shyly.

"Ofcourse!," You say smiling. You hug Justin, and after that you guys directly exchanged number.

Justin promised that this will be the start of something really beautiful....

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