85 - Camping night (Cute/Romantic)

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Imagine you and your friends are going to sleep at a camping for one night in the open air, and when your heard Justin would also come this couldn't get any better for you

"It's so dark!," One of your friends says while she holds on tight to your arm. (comment if you thought about the song)

"It is," You say a bit scared. You are scared of the dark, but you are around your friends so you feel pretty good, especially because Ryan is making a campfire.

"Yes! It's burning!," Ryan shouts happily. Suddenly everything lights up, and you can see again. You look at your friend and give eachother a high five.

"I also want a high five!," Justin says while he walks towards you with his hands in the air, waiting for you to give him a high five. You giggle and slap his hands.

But instead of letting go he holds your hands in his hands, while he is looking at the campfire. You look at his beautiful face, and smile directly.

You and Justin are in this kind of 'flirtzone'. You flirt a lot with eachother, and you like that a lot.

Justin suddenly looks over at you and chuckles, you directly look at the ground and feel yourself blushing

"What?," Justin smirks, but you don't answer and just shake your head, smiling, while Justin let go of your hands, walking over at Ryan and bro hugging him.

"Let's sit down," Your friend says. Everybody sits down on the -luckily- not wet grass, and just looks at the fire, in silence.

"It's beautiful out here, isn't it," Fredo says, everybody agrees.

"Why don't we search for some wooden sticks, so we can stick some marshmallows onto them," Ryan suddenly speaks. He is sitting there with just this smile on his face, feeling really proud of the idea.

"Let's do that!," Your friend says. She stands up and pulls you up by pulling onto your arm, making you stand up as well.

"We will be right back, make sure you have the marshmallows ready!," Your friend yells.

The two of you walk towards the trees and start searching for some woodensticks, which is pretty hard to find since it is al dark.

Once you found a few the two of you walk back towards the fire and hand all of your friends one stick.

When you hand one to Justin he looks into your eyes and smiles really cute. You melt from the inside, but once you want to walk back to your place were you were seated Justin doesn't allow you to.

"Stay here baby girl," Justin says, he pats with his hand next to him, saying that you have to sit down there, and you do.

Everybody is enjoying it, eating marshmallows together, being warm and cozy surrounded by your friends.

"Do they taste good?," Justin asks while he takes another bite of a marshmallow. He looks at you and lays his hand on your hand, which you have placed on your leg

You look at Justin and nodd shyly, also taking another bite of the marshmallow. Justin keeps on looking at you and lets out a cute laugh.

"You are so cute," Justin says, causing you to blush. He is so sweet.

An hour or so later everybody has already packed their sleeping bags and placed them somewhere in the grass.

You and your friend placed them next to eachother, and Justin and the boys placed them all somewhere random, but still close to eachother.

"So I hope we won't be eaten by a wolf or something," Ryan smirks, causing Fredo and Justin to laugh, but causing your friend and you to shiver.

"Stop!," Your friend yells at Ryan, causing the boys to laugh even harder.

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