76 - Mistletoe 2/2 (Super Cute)

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Sequel to 'Mistletoe 1/2 I recommend you reading that part first if you haven't yet

You walk towards the ice rink. There are a lot of people, which is pretty logical because it is Christmas night and everybody wants to share that with friends and family, and do something nice.

"Wooo leggoo!," You hear Ryan scream. He walks towards the rink, followed by a few other friends, and they a start skating. You wonder why they are so quick..

"Need some help?," You hear Justin say. You look behind you and see Justin smiling, standing on his ice skates. You giggle and quickly tie your laces. You stand up, Justin reaches his hand out for you and you both walk towards the ice rink.

As soon as you enter the ice Justin skates towards Ryan and the other boys, while you slowly skate towards your best friend.

"Ohmy, I can't skate at all," You say. Your friend laughs.

"You are not the only one," She laughs.
"Come," She says and takes your hand. You both skate for a little while, without falling happily.

"I love Christmas!," Your friend shouts. It makes you laugh.

"I love Christmas, but I don't know if I love this," You say very concentrated, so you won't fall.

"Well, I know something you also love," Your friend smirks. You look at her and then quickly back at the ground.

"What do you mean?," You frown.

"That," Your friend says. She points at something, you look up and see that she is pointing at Justin.

He is still skating with the other boys, they are all being silly and acting 'cool', Justin just looks so unbelievable hot, like he always does. But especially now, when the little snow flakes highlight his hair.

"I don't," You can feel yourself blushing. Luckily it's dark. Suddenly all of the boys skate towards the two of you.

"How are you doing girlies," Ryan says. He suddenly grabs your friends hand and skates away with her, real quick. She shouts and almost fall, what makes you laugh. The other boys of the group also skate away, so you and Justin stay alone.

"How is it going?," Justin laughs. You look at the ground and laugh.

"Not that good, I can't skate that well," You say. Justin laughs and grabs both of your hands.

"I can teach you" He says smiling. He skates backwards, and you follow him. He leads you with his hand and slow movements.

He smiles at you and you smile back at him. He is just so cute...

He let go of one of your hands and actually the two of you are now akating hand-in-hand what is very romantic, especially on Christmas night, with the boy you like. You couldn't wish for anything better.

"You are lea-," Justin tries to say but you got interrupted by a really loud bang.

You look around and see that you are laying on the ground, together with Justin and Ryan.

They suddenly start laughing really hard, what is really funny, so you also start laughing.

"I'm so sorry!," Ryan says while he stands up. He helps you to stand up.

"It's okay," You say while you shake of the snow.

"Maybe we can go to the Christmas party over there!," Ryan says. He points to the right, there are a lot of people, there are Christmas lights everywhere and everbody seems to have a really good time.

"Good idea," You say smiling.

"Let's go over there!," Ryan screams to all your other friends. They all pull of their skates and so do you.

"I wanted to say that you are learning fast," Justin grins. You blush a little.

"It's because of you,"

"Come," Justin says. He takes your hand, and you both follow the group, towards the Christmas party (okey Imagine that it is the same party as in Justin his video Mistletoe haha)

When you arrive there the Christmas music is playing and everybody is just slow dancing.

"This is more a couple party," One of your friend says. You laugh.

"Don't laugh, you are the only one here with a lover," Ryan smirks. You look down at your hand and see that you are still holding hands with Justin. You blush and you look at Justin, who is shaking his head.
"Go go!," Ryan says. Justin looks at you and shrugs. He leads you towards the middle of the place and he wraps his arms around your waist.

"Are you enjoying this night so far?," He asks with his cute smile.

"Definitely," You smile.

"Good," He answers back. Suddenly he comes really close to your ear

"Do you think it is annoying when Ryan is making, you know, fun of us?," Justin asks. He looks at you with his beautiful brown eyes,and you just giggle.

"No, I actually don't mind," You answer. Justin smiles very widely.

"I'm happy about that, because neither do I," He says.

Suddenly Justin comes closer and closer, your foreheads almost touch. Is it about to happen... You know. your first kiss with Justin?

"Justin!," Ryan suddenly screams. The two of you both look at Ryan and he points at something above us. We look up and see that there is a mistletoe hanging above us.

Justin looks at me and smirks.

"You know the rules huh? When you are standing underneath a misetletoe?,"

You nod lightly, and before you know Justin his lips are placed on yours. His lips feel so soft, and so perfect. You hear your friends cheering from the side, which makes you smile. It also makes Justin smile because you can feel him smiling.

Your dream finally became reality, and that on the most beautiful day of the year.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this sequel :)

Sorry for not updating really fast , I'm just a little upset because i've got a lot of hate the last time and some people have said some really means things, it upsets me pretty bad.
But everything for you guys, so don't worry :)



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