29 - Playing nurse (Cute)

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Imagine you just came home. When you walk into the livingroom you see Justin laying on the couch. He tells you that he isn't feeling that well today.

"I'm home," You shout while you walk into Justin and your apartment. No answer back. You just came back from visiting your parents, when you left this morning Justin was still asleep, and you didn't want to wake him, so he doesn't know where you was.

"Justin?," You shout one more time. Maybe he is still asleep. You walk into the livingroom and you see someone laying on the couch, all curled up. You smile. Cutie.

You drop your bags and take your jacket off, and walk towards Justin.

"Wake up cutie," You say giggling. You shake Justin back and fort, but the only thing he does is moaning. He keeps his eyes shut.

"Juju? What's wrong?," You ask Justin while you sit down next to him. Justin looks at you and he sits up.

"Terrible headache, it feels like someone is slapping against my head with a car, but then 10 times worse," Justin moans. Lol, how does he know how that feels? No kidding.

"Aww my poor little sweetheart," You say. Justin rests his head on your shoulder and closes his eyes again.

"Where have you been?," Justin asks softly.

"Visiting my parents," You say while you strike trough Justin his hair.

"I was worried," Justin says with a sad voice.
"I didn't know where you was, and you turned your phone off,"

"I'm so sorry babe, but I didn't want to wake you," You say.

"It's okay baby, I didn't want to go with you either, I feel terrible, please let me die," Justin whispers that last part.

"No! I can't live without you!," You say loudly. Justin closes his eyes very tight, it looks like he is in so much pain.

"Sorry," You whisper while you cover your mouth. Justin moans again and turns around, so his head is resting on the couch now.

"I will get you 2 pain killers," You whisper. You stand up but Justin pulls you back.

"No babe, stay," He moans. Aww.

"Sweetheart, I just want you to get better, I will be gone for only a few minutes, okay?" You say softly. Justin nods and you kiss his cheek.

When you come back home and walk towards Justin, you see that he fell asleep. You grab your phone and make a picture of it. You giggle and you make it your homescreen background.

You wake Justin up and he takes his painkillers. You sit down again on the couch, with Justin his head resting on your lap.

"Thankyou for taking care of me," Justin says smiling.

"Don't thank me, I do anything for you ,love," You say. Justin smiles and says

"Me too," You giggle. Justin falls asleep on your lap, again.

After an hour of watching tv, texting and stroking Justin his hair he wakes up.

"Did you sleep well?," You ask smiling. Justin nods and smiles back at you. He sits up.

"How is your headache?," You ask him.

"Better," Justin says smiling.

"Good," You say and you lean in for a kiss. You peck Justin his lips quickly and then you rest your head on his chest. Justin wraps his arms around you and kisses your head.

"Let's cuddle all day long," You whisper.

"Good idea," Justin answers. You giggle and snuggle into Justin his chest.

"I love you," You say.

"And I love you too, my lovely nurse,".

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