23 - Getting to know u 2/3 (Cute)

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Sequel to 'Getting to know you 1/3 (Really Cute)' I recommend you reading that part first if you haven't yet.

It has been two days since the photoshoot and you couldn't stop thinking about it. You had a photoshoot with the Justin Bieber, and he even wants to see you again, it is just amazing.

You are watching television as your phone starts ringing. The number is unknown.

"Hello?," You say while picking up your phone.

"Is this [Y/N]?" You hear somebody talking on the other side of the line.

"Justin?" You ask.

"Yes, yes it's Justin," He says.

"Hi Justin, how are you doing?" Are you really calling with Justin Bieber right now? You just have his phone number now, a thing that many girls would kill for.

"I'm doing absolutly great, and you?" He asks. His voice sounds so sweet.

"I'm doing great too," You say smiling, even though Justin can't see you.

"Good! Good," Justin says.

"Justin, how did you get my number?"

"Well, I have my connections," Justin smirks. You laugh.

"So-," Justin starts.

"So?" You say while you bite your nails.

"-So i'm actually calling you because-," Justin stops again.

"Because what?"

"-because I said that I was going to see you again soon and I don't break promises," Justin says. He sounds so shy.

"Aw," You say. You are blushing.

"Is that a yes?" Justin asks.

"A yes on what?" You giggle.

"A yes on a date, silly," Justin laughs and so do you.

"Yes, I would love too," You say giggling. You hear Justin whispering 'we have a date' on the background, and then you hear another boy cheering.

"Can I pick you up at 8?" Justin asks.

"Perfect," You say smiling.

"Just like you," Justin says. You blush and don't say anything back.

"So I see you tonight?"

"Yes, see you tonight,"

"Okay love, can't wait to see you," Justin says. The two of you say goodbye to eachother and hang up.

You feel so happy rightnow. You have a date with Justin Bieber, can live get any better?

2 hours later it is almost 8 and Justin can be there anytime. You do a last check up.

Nice hair and makeup? Check
Cute dress? Check
High heels? Check
Good perfume? Check

Suddenly you hear the doorbell ring, you feel even more butterflies then you felt before, when Justin just called and asked you to go out on a date.

You walk towards the door and open it. A perfect boy is standing in front of it with a really big and beautiful bouquet of red roses in his hands. He smiles and you smile back at him.

"Hi love, how are you, this is for you," Justin hands you the bouquet and kisses your cheek.

"Aww thanks Justin, they are beautifull! I love it," You lay the bouquet down and hug Justin.

"Ready to go?" Justin asks. You nod and walk towards Justin his car. Justin closes the door and walks after you.

This is going to be awesome.

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