53 - Love Drunk 1/2 (Sexy/Cute)

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Imagine Justin is your best friend, the two of you are going to a club tonight with some other friends.

"Ready for tonight?," Justin asks as he walks inside your room.

"I guess so," You say while you follow the shape of your body with your hands, just to make sure your outfit looks good.

"Stunning," Justin says while he licks his lips and grins. You face him and playfully slap his shoulder. Justin sticks his tongue out at you.

Justin is really your best friend. You can tell him everything, you trust him with all your heart. You both like to goof around a lot.

"Let's go, I guess the others are already there," Justin says. You nodd, grab your phone and some money and leave the house, towards Justin his car.

"I bet i'm going to kiss a girl tonight," Justin says smirking. You look at him and laugh.

"Why wants to kiss you?," You say in a bitchy tone, but you are just goofing around.

"Well, everybody, duhh, I'm the one and only Justin Bieber," Justin says. I look at him and he looks over at me, giving me a can-you-see-it look. I just roll my eyes at him and start listening to the music again.

"Goodluck," I mumble.

"Justin, [Y/N], you are finally here, we have been waiting here for like 30 minutes," Ryan says while he walks towards Justin and you, followes by Fredo, Chaz and your girl best friend.

"Sorry guys," Justin mumbles.

"Were you doing your dirty business again, Mr and Miss Bieber," Alfredo smirks.

You just roll your eyes. They always make jokes like that. You ans Justin are very, very close, but not like that. Just friends. Nothing more, nothing less. It is just annoying they keep saying things like that.

"Okay enough, let's go inside and have some fun!," Your best friend says while she grabs your arm, and leads you inside the club.

The boys follow as soon as they see we entered the club. There were already so many people. Your best friend and you starting cheering, and directly walked over towards the bar to buy some drinks.

"On a great night!," Your best friend shouts, because the place is already to loud to talk in a normal way. You both clink your glasses against eachother, and take a sip after that.

You and your friend walked towards the dance floor and started dancing. As soon as the boys bought their drinks they made their way up to you and your friend.

"Whooo, let's party!," Ryan shouts while he takes a sip of his beer. Suddenly a girl grabs his shoulder and the two of them start making out.

"Ryan!," We all cheer and laugh. Justin comes dancing behind me. We make silly faces and silly dances and laugh our asses off.

Yes, this is how you like it, good music, being with friend, alcohol and having fun.


Vote or comment for a sequel ;) ❤❤
I promise I have some nice things in my mind for a sequel *smirk*

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