15 - Forgive me 2/2 (Sad/Cute)

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Sequel to 'Forgive me 1/2 (Sad/Fight)'

You walked away and stepped into your car. You drove to your best friend and told her everything that just happend. She was also really sad about it. She asked if you wanted to sleep at her place, and ofcourse you wanted that... You didn't had another place then this, and Justin was not an option.. Totally not.

Justin tried to call you all night, but you ignored it. How hard it was, you had to ignore it. You didn't slept the whole night, not only because Justin tried to call you all night, but also because you had to think about what happend and why..

"How are you?" Your best friend walks into your room, the guest room. She has made some breakfast for you. You smile at her.

"Fine," You mumble. She hands the plate with food to you and sits down next to you on the bed.

"He tried to call me all night, and i couldn't stop thinking about yesterday," You say while you are rubbing your eyes.

"I totally understand you... Remember when my boyfriend cheated on me? He also tried to call me every day, and every night. I decided to pick up after a few days and we talked about it,and we are still together, because we talked about it," Your best friend says. You nodd. She is right, but it is so hard...

"But... I mean, you've waited for a few days, and this only happend yesterday...," You say while eating the breakfast your friend has made for you.

"I know, you don't have to talk to him today, it's your own choice, but i know you, and the last time your heart was broken you cried for a month- ..," Your best friend smirks and you giggle.. True story.

"- and i don't want that to happen again, so it may be better if you just call or visit him and talk about it." Your best friend says. You have to think about it. You can't just forget this, and live your life like you did before. No, that is not possible. Justin has to win your trust again.


"Thanks for the drive," You say while hugging your best friend who just drove you to you and your boyfriend's house. Well.. Boyfriend?

"No problem at all, i'm here for you, you know that. So let me know how it went, call me." She says. You nodd and close the door. Your best friend drives away.
You are so nervous, nervous to go to your own house. That sounds weird.

You stand still and breath softly in and out. After a few seconds you decide to walk towards the door. You ring the bell and wait for Justin to open it.

A little moment later Justin opens the door.  He lets you in and you walk towards the livingroom.

"Take a seat," Justin says.

"Please don't tell me that i can take a seat in my own house," You say while you cross your arms. Justin shrugs his shoulders and takes a seat on the couch. You sit down on a chair.

There is an awkward silence between you two. You decide to break the ice..

"So, i wanted to talk about yesterday night..." You say while looking at your shoes. Justin doesn't say anything back.

"I thought we were happy together... I don't understand what i did wrong."
You start crying.

"You didn't do anything wrong, it is all my fault," Justin says while looking at you.

"I just don't understand it," you say.

"I don't know why I did it.. I was tipsy and I probably thought she was you...".

He was tipsy... Maybe he really didn't knew what he was doing, and maybe he really thought it was you, but... This is so hard.

"I just don't want to lose you," Justin says. You look at him. His faces is all red. He probably cried all night.

" I don't want to lose you too," You say.
"I can't just forget about this.. I think you understand that," You say while looking at him. He nodds.

"You really broke my heart..."

"I'm so sorry babe, please give me another chance and i promise i will do anything for you. I will fight for you untill you want me back, i'm not letting go of you this easily," Justin says. He is so protactive. Maybe you have to give him another chance.

He is the love of your life, so it is hard to forget about someone that easy. Maybe you can work on it together.

"Justin, i can tell you that you really have to fight for this relationship if you still want to make it work. We have to work on it together and you have to earn my respect and trust again," You say.

He looks at you, and you see his eyes sparkling. He is starring into your eyes for a few seconds. Suddenly he stands up and so do you.

He wraps his arms around your waist and you wrap your arms around his neck. You are hugging eachother very tight. You both start crying.

"I'm so sorry, i promise i will do anything for you, i will fight for this relationship. You are the most important person in my life, and i've made the biggest mistake in my whole life yesterday-" Justin whispers while snuggling his nose into your neck. "- i love you."

You really have to work on this relationship together, but you love him so much, too much to let him go. You are happy that you have talked to him, and hopefully he learned his lesson. You will never forget or forgive this.

"I still love you too." You say whispering.

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