50 - Short Imagines/Preferences

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Ohmy, already the 50th part of this book! I wanted to make this part a little 'special', I only didn't know how, so I decided to make this part different than all the other parts, so this will contain all kind of short imagines and a few preferences :) If you like it, keep reading!


Imagine you and Justin are making out behind the stage before his concert, when he says
"Baby, I would cancel this all, just to be with you forever."

Imagine Justin comes home from rehearsals, he bought you some flowers.
"I bought you 12 flowers, 11 of them are real, and 1 is fake" Justin says.
"I will love you, until the last flowers dies."

Imagine Justin carries you up to his bed. He lays you down and whispers
"The neighbours are gonna learn my name tonight,"

Imagine walking hand in hand with Justin on the beach. He turns to you and says
"I'm happy it's you I get to share this moment with"

Imagine Justin and you are on one of your best friends wedding. When it's their turn to say yes, Justin suddenly whispers "I think we are the ones to marry next." and he kisses you cheek.

Imagine being on skype with Justin while he is on tour, when Fredo decides to join you two.
"Fredo, look at the camera and say hi to my princess!," Justin points to the camera.

Imagine Justin: "You are killing me,"
You: "What? No, I'm not,"
Justin: "No, seriously. Everytime you walk by I forget to breathe."

Imagine Justin: "I love you!,"
You: "Tell the world,"
Justin: "I love you,"
You: *looks confused*
Justin: "You are my world."

Imagine You are laying in bed with Justin.
You are playing with his hair as his hand gently touches your cheek and leans in to kiss you.

Imagine waking up on top of Justin's bare chest. You feel his heart beat beneath you and when he opens his eyes he smiles at you and and says "It beats for you, and only you."

Imagine Justin is not your boyfriend, but the two of you flirt a lot. After his concert you text him
You: The concert was amazing Justin! I loved it, especially the body rock part
Justin: Thankyou, and you know, all you gotta do is ask and I don't mind doing the body rock on you

Imagine Justin: "Let me see your hand,"
You: *put your hand up*
Justin: "See the gaps between your fingers?,"
You: "Yeah"
Justin: *holds your hands* "Mine fits them perfectly"

Imagine You: "If you had the chance to change something, what would it be?"
Justin: "I would love to change your last name into Bieber"


How Justin acts when you are pregnant:

He would be very protective of you. He would do anything for you, like going to the mall, cooking ,giving you a back rub.. He would never complain, because he does it all with love. He would deal with your hormones the best he could, and when you feel ill, he is there to hold your back. He would even cancel one of his concerts, to spend a day or night with you. He talks every night to your belly, to tell the baby that he loves him, and that he can't wait to meet him.
He knows that all of this would be worth it in the end.

The note Justin wrote on your phone:

"Hi shawty, Sorry, I stole your phone for a minute... Don't get mad at me..
I just want to let you know that I'm so in love with you, I've never felt like this before.. ohgod, I'm glad I say this in a note, because i'm already blushing rightnow, what if you were standing in front of me while I said this.. Anyways, you are the love of my life, the smile on my face everyday. Without you there would be no me. You are so beautiful, even though you always say you aren't, babe, believe me, you are. You are my dreamgirl, and I promise that I will love you forever....
I love you.
xxxx Anonymous

Your first time:

Justin would ask you how you feel all the time. You are extremely nervous, he calms you down by leaving sweet kisses everywhere, and saying really sweet things. He would be extremely gentle, and try to prevent you from the pain. His movements are really slow. You relax by Justin his sweet words, and gentle movements. Afterwards Justin keeps saying sweet things and he would hug you very tight and sing to you, untill you fall asleep.

Imagine Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now