92 - Too Busy (Sad)

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Imagine you have been seeing Justin for some time now, you really thought he was into you but you were wrong.

You and Justin met a few weeks ago, he asked for your number and you went on a few dates together. It was pretty amazing, you really started to like Justin and you feel like he thinks the same about you.

It has been a week since you have seen him or heared anything from him. But you know he is busy with his upcoming tour. You decide to text him and ask if he is okay

You wait for some seconds but you actually immediately get a response back from Justin

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You wait for some seconds but you actually immediately get a response back from Justin

Your heart makes a bump when you read that he will come over tonight, but the part which says and speak to you doesn't feel too comforting

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Your heart makes a bump when you read that he will come over tonight, but the part which says and speak to you doesn't feel too comforting.

A couple of hours later the doorbel rings. You stand up from the couch and walk towards the door to open it.
When you open it you see Justin who is standing in front of you, with both of his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"Hi," he says smiling, stepping inside.

"Hey Justin," you reply and walk after him into the livingroom.

"Would you like something to drink?,"

"No, i'm fine, thankyou," he replies. You shrug your shoulders and walk towards the couch Justin is sitting.

"How are you? I was so worried about you. You haven't texted me in like a week," you stat a bit angry, since he could at least have send a text message since it costs like 10 seconds of your time.

"I know, I am really sorry. I was so busy these days with my tour and everything," he replies while he is starring at his shoes. Why is he acting so detached, normally he would at least have given you a hug.

"What is wrong Justin, you are acting different," you ask him since you want some clarity from this boy.

"It's just that I-," he starts but sigh before he finishes his sentence.
"I really like you,-" he says. Well that's easy to say Justin. Your heart already keeps beating faster since you are scared of the words that are going to follow.
"But I have realized the fact that I can't handle a girlfriend at the moment. I know that maybe I should have told you earlier, but we had fun together. But this week I realized that the amount of time I can spend with you is a zero percent.," he says as he slowly looks up at you.

You are just starring at the ground, you can feel your eyes tear up. You really thought the two of was working out. And now you are loosing the one and only Justin Bieber.

"But Justin, I can give you time-," you start but Justin doesn't let you finish your sentence.

"You can't, this is going to be impossible," he finishes.

"No it's not Justin! Can't we at least give it a try?," you speak louder this time, getting frustrated and irritated at the same time. You can feel a tear falling down your cheek.

"We can't, please stop because this only makes it harder," Justin says as he stands up and want to walk away. You look at him and shout after him

"Are you really leaving like this? Without giving it a try? Without even saying goodbye?," you huff, crying this time. Justin is standing with his hands in the pockets of his jeans, shrugging his shoulders.
"There is no point in trying. It's not going to work out like this, i'm truly sorry," he stats and walks his way further towards the front door.

"I thought you liked me!," you shout really hard, but Justin has already opened the door, and steps out of it.

"I did," are the last words you hear Justin say before he is out of your sight.

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