24 - Badboy Bieber (Romantic)

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Imagine it's a new schoolyear and you figured out that the badboy from the school, Justin Bieber, is your new classmate.

"This year is going to be awesome," You say to your best friend. She smiles and says

"Hell yeah," The two of you walk into the classroom and take a seat next to eachother. You talk a little and wait untill the teacher starts with her lesson.

"Is everybody here?," The teacher asks while she is starring at a paper. She nodds her head.

"Well-," The teacher starts talking but someone cuts her off by walking into the classroom.

"Bieber, you are late," The teacher says.

"What?" You whisper while you are starring at that Bieber kid.

"I'm so sorry," Justin says and he walks towards the last free seat. And ofcourse is that behind you.

"No no no, what is he doing here?," You whisper very softly so Justin can't hear you. You look behind you and you see Justin smiling at you. Ugh.

"This year is maybe not going to be so awesome," Your friend sighs.

For the ones who didn't knew yet, Justin Bieber is one of the most populair kids on school. He thinks he is everything and that he can handle everything. He didn't bullied you, but he bullied your friends, and he still does. You simply hate him.

"[Y/N], do I have your attention?" The teacher asks you and you are a little embarresed.

"Yes Ms," You say sofly.

"Bad girl," You hear Justin whisper. You sigh, loud enough for Justin to hear it.

"What? I like bad girls," Justin smirks.

"And I don't like bad boys, at all," That last part came out very loud.

"Again, [Y/N], can you please stop talking?" The teacher asks again, this time she seems a little more mad.

"Sorry," You say. The teacher continues her lesson.

"See? You are a bad girl," Justin grins.

"You better keep your mouth shut," Your friends whispers. You nodd and try to ignore Justin.

Justin is quiet for a few seconds. But then he starts kicking against your seat. You try to ignore him but he won't stop doing it.

"Stop you fucking Jerk!" You say while you stand up. Leaning with your hands on Justin his table.

"Woa," He says while his hands are up in the air, pretending like he is innocent.

"[Y/N]! Enough! Detention! Leave, now," The teacher shouts.

"But, he-" You try to say but you start crying and walk out of the classroom.

"Justin, I want you to leave also," The teacher says while she points at the door. The only thing Justin does is smirking, and then he walks swaggie out of the door.

This is really the best first schoolday ever, or even the best day ever of school. Note the sarcasm.

You walk towards the ladies toilets to fix your makeup. When you are finally done you walk out of the toilets.

"Oww," You say while you walk up to somebody.

"I'm so sorry," You look up and see Justin. What?

"Go away dumbhead," You walk away as quick as possible.

"No wait! I'm really sorry!," Justin walks next to you rightnow.

"Leave me alone," You say softly.

"No, Im really sorry, I mean it, didn't mean to get you this mad," Justin says. Sure.

"I said leave me alone," You stop walking and you look at Justin.

"[Y/N], you know I like to goof around, I was just trying to get some contact with you," Justin says.

"What do you not understand about leave, me, alone?," You say.

"I- I...-" Justin don't know what to say.

"And oh, if this is your way of trying to get 'contact' with somebody, I should quickly change it," You walk away.

"[Y/N]-" Justin grabs your arm. Ugh. This boy is really getting on your nerves.

"You really don't understand it, do you?" Justin smirks, but he looks worried.

"No, and I don't even want to," You say mad.

"Too late," Justin says. You expect words but that is the opposite of what you got. Justin grabs you by your waist and places his lips on your. He starts kissing you, and even if you didn't want to give him entry, you did. The two of you start making out. Suddenly Justin breaks the kiss and looks at you, he smiles.

"That was my explanation," Justin smirks. You don't know what to say, you just stare at Justin.

"I've always liked you, that's why I never made fun of you, I always told my friends to leave you and your friends alone, but they won't listen," Justin says.

That is actually.... Really cute? How is this even possible? Justin Bieber, the most populair kid in school just kissed you, and told you that he liked you?

"I.. I don't know what to say actually," You say.

"I understand it," Justin says while he strokes your hair.

"I mean, I don't even know you Justin, the only thing I know is that you are, you populair, and a bully," You say. You don't even look at Justin.

"And that's the problem, you don't know me yet, I swear, I can be a sweet boy," Justin says smiling.

"Oh, I believe that," You say smirking.

"So, please give me a chance?," Justin asks. You keep quiet. "I promise that I won't mess this up, I will change for you, if that is what you want," Justin is begging you to say yes. Oh you love it how you can make this boy so nervous.

"Well, maybe one chance," You giggle. You look up at Justin. His eyes are sparkling, and his smile couldn't be any bigger. Oh god, he is really beautiful.

"Thankyou so much, I promise I won't mess this up," Justin says. "So, we have a date?" He asks blushing. You giggle.

"Yes, we have," You say. Justin huggs you and looks up at you. He smiles and so do you.


Little Author's Note;

Oh, I enjoyed writing this so much

Ps. Sorry for the bad language sometimes haha, oops

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