30 - Award Show (Cute)

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Imagine Justin Bieber is your boyfriend. He has an important award show tonight and he wants you to be his date.

"Babe, please? Do it for me...," Justin beggs you.

"I don't know Justin, I mean, we are dating for a few weeks rightnow, the media doesn't know me that good yet...," You say. You really don't know what to do, because, if you go with Justin everybody will know about you, and if you don't go with him, you will have more privacy but, you don't want to let Justin down.

"Please, this award show is really important for me, and so are you, I want you to go with me," Justin beggs you. He is holding your waist and he is starring you straight in the eyes.

You sigh.

"Okay, only because I love you," You say. Justin his eyes begin to sparkle and he is smiling like crazy.

"Oh my gosh, this is going to be so amazing," Justin spins you around and kisses you.
"Thankyou baby," Justin strokes your hair. You giggle.

"I'm coming downstairs!," You scream from upstairs. You are wearing a nice and cute dress and really beautiful high heels. You slowly walk down the stairs, and you see Justin who is waiting for you. He smiles when he sees you

"You are so beautiful," Justin says while he takes your hand.

"Thankyou," You say blushing. You twirl around, so that Justin can see your whole outfit.

"I love it," Justin says while he grabs you by your waist. He kisses your cheeck and opens the door after that.

The two of you walk outside towards Justin his car and drive towards the place where you will have your first award show. When you arrive there is already so much paparazzi who are making pictures of you and Justin.

"I'm nervous," You whisper. Justin quickly looks at you and grabs your hand. The two of you walk as quick as possible towards the red carpet.

"Justin Bieber! Justin!" You hear Justin his name literally everywhere.
Justin smiles and waves at the people. The two of you arrive at the red carpet and strike a nice pose for the paparazzi.

The only thing you see are very bright lights from the cameras. You just smile at the camera's. Justin grabs you by your waist and kisses your cheek. You feel yourself blushing. Ohh Justin, why are you doing this, after the awards show, this pictures will be all over the internet, and then everybody can see you blushing.

Justin grabs your hand and leads you inside the building. There are a lot of journalist, and they all ask the same question

"Justin, is this your new girlfriend?,"

No, i'm holding her hand because she can't walk by herself, duh, ofcourse she is not my girlfriend.
Note the sarcasm.

"Yes," Justin simply says once. The journalist are all going crazy rightnow, but Justin just walks trough all the people, smiling.

Justin and you finally found your seats and sit down. Justin sighs.

"Woaw," You say. Everything so overwhelming.
"I now understand how it feels to be famous, everybody chases you all the time, asks questions all the time, and make pictures of everything you do," You say. Woaw, suddenly you've got so much more respect for Justin.

"Jup," Justin says popping the 'p'.
"But i'm so happy that you are here, with me," Justin says. You look at him and he smiles, you smile back at him. He pecks your lips quickly.

"And the last award, best pop artist of the year, is going to....." The presenter says. He opens his little paper.

Justin is holding your hand, and he squeezed them very hard. He is so nervous.

"Justin Bieber!," The presentator says while he shows the text on his card. Justin stands up and so do you. He hugs you really tight and spins you around.

"Congratulations Justin!," You say.

"Thanks baby," Justin says. He let go of you and walks towards the stage. Everybody is cheering and clapping.
Justin jumps on the stage. Someone hands him the award and Justin grabs the microphone.

"I really can't believe this-," Justin starts.

"This is unbelievable, am I really the best pop artist of the year?!," Justin shouts that last part. Everybody cheers and so do you.

"I will keep this short, but guys, thankyou all so much! I still can't believe this! Thanks to you this everything happend, without you I would be nowhere," You are listening carefully to every word Justin says. You are so proud of him.

"I really don't have any words for this, I mean, this is one of the best things that happend in my carreer,"
"I also want to thank a special guest, my girlfriend-," Justin says smiling. Everybody is cheering now even harder. You are blushing and smiling like crazy.

"Thanks for being here with me tonight, I love you," Justin says. He waves and walks away. You don't know where he is going but you want to be with him rightnow, because that was so sweet! You are almost crying rightnow. Suddenly a woman walks towards you and says that you have to follow her. You listen to her. She brings you backstage.

"Thanks," You say. The woman smiles and walkes away. You open a door, and there he is, your boyfriend.

"[Y/N]!" Justin says. He walks towards you and hugs you.

"I'm so proud of you baby, and that was so sweet!," You say while you snuggle into Justin his neck.

"Thankyou so much babe," Justin says quickly pecks your lips.

"Without you I wouldn't be here," Justin says while he strokes your cheeck. You look at him and smile

"Same for me," You say laughing.

You are so happy that you joined Justin....

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