32 - Hot party boy (Romantic/Sexy)

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Imagine you are invited to a party tonight. Your friends who are comig with you told you that there is a very handsome boy also invited to the party.

"Amanda, I swear, he is the hottest boy i've ever seen," Your friend says. The three of you walk down the streets, on your way towards the party. You shake your head.

"He can't be that hot," You say smirking. You hear your friends laughing.

"You really don't know what you say, believe us,"

"We will see," You say.

You arrive at the party and walk inside the building. One of your friends got some drinks for you and your friend.

"Lets party!," One of your friends  stand up and starts dancing. The boys around her see her dancing and they dance with her. You just laugh. One of the boys grabs your hand and pulls you up. He starts dancing with you and you are having so much fun. You are laughing and drinking at the same time, and so do your friends. The  boy starts grinding on you and you just sing along with the music.

An hour later you are still dancing with the boy, when your friends comes towards you and shouts in your ear

"I want to get another drink!," You nod and follow her towards the bar. Suddenly she stands still.

"Oh my god," She shouts. Even though you can't barely hear anything, because of the music that is playing at 100% volume trough the speakers, this was really clear.

She points at someone, but you can't see him, you can only see his back.

"That is him!," Your friend shouts. Suddenly the boy turns around. You can see his face. He has perfect hair, the perfect smile, and these hazel brown eyes are the prettiest things you have ever seen.

"I told you so!," Your friend says. You nod and smile.

"Hey girls!," Someone says behind your back. You and your friend both turn around and look at the boy behind you.

"You want to join us while we are playing truth or dare?," The boy asks. You look at your friend and nod.

"Yes, we will be there in a few!," Your friend says to the boy and he walks away.

The two of you get some drink and then walk to the boy and his friends. They are standing in a circle, and you and your friend join them. Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn around and you see a boy standing there. But it is not just a boy, you recognize his eyes. It is him. You look at your friend and she pretends to scream.

"Can I join you guys?," The boy asks. He stands next to you and looks at you.

"Have I seen you here before?," The boy asks. You blush and shrug your shoulders.

"I'm Justin," The boy whispers close to your ear. You look at him and smile.

"Amanda," You say, but he doesn't hear you.

"Amanda," You say again, closer to his ear. You can smell his cologne, and even that is perfect. Justin smiles at you, his hand is still resting on your shoulder.

"Let's spin the bottle!," A random boy shouts and he spins the bottle. You hope that it is not you. You watch how the bottle spins around, he is spinning slower and slower every seconds, until it stops.

It points at Justin. Happily not you.

"So Justin, truth or dare?," The boy asks him.

"Well, lets go for dare," Justin says smirking.

Everybody claps and cheers, and so do you, until the boy speaks and says

"I dare you to lick that drink, what the girl next to you is holding, off of her belly," The boy says smirking. Everybody is getting even more excited, but you are not so excited anymore. You don't want this to happen. You just think it is weird.

"Put up your shirt!," The boy shouts. You just look at everybody. You really don't want to do it, so you shake your head.

"Ahh come on!," Everybody says at the same time. You shake your head again. Then you suddenly feel someone  puts your shirt up. Everybody cheers, but you just can't believe they did that. You really don't want to do this so you walk away.

"Really guys? Really?," You hear Justin says. You make your way outside and sit down on the pavement. Suddenly a boy sits down next to you. It is Justin. He smiles at you and you smile lightly back at him.

"Sorry for that," Justin says.

"You can't do anything about it," You say to Justin. He shrugs his shoulders.

"They were just acting really stupid," Justin says.

"I thought they were your friends..." You say while your rub you rub your knees with your hands. It's chilly outside.

"Yes, but you can't treat a girl like that," Justin says. Aww, that is sweet. He defends you, while he doesn't even know you for that long.

"Why are you rubbing your knees like that?," Justin asks smirking. You laugh and shrug your shoulders.

"Come here,"  Justin says, he wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you really close. You feel really comfortable.

"Have I  already told you you are beautiful?," Justin says while he looks at you. You blush and giggle.

"No," You say shyly.

"You really are," Justin smiles at you and you smile at him. Then rest your head on his shoulder, and Justin rests his head on yours.

The two of you just watched the stars, instead of partying.


New Imagine yayy :)

I also uploaded chapter 2 of I'm Over You, so you can go check it out if you want!

Love you all

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