78 - Preferences #2

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Why fans like you:

Justin's beliebers like you, because they know you don't date Justin for the fame. You date him because of him.
You always support Justin. Every night, every concert you are watching him, and you catch him as soon as the show is over. You always join him on the red carpet, as his date, even though you are not always that excited for everything. You take your time to make pictures with Justins fans, and you sneek beliebers who don't have tickets for the show backstage. You also post pictures online when Justin is asleep or busy with something for the beliebers, and you tweet with them. They know you are really good for him, and really care for him, and that's why they like you.

When you blush:

Every time Justin says something sweet, you start blushing. You really hate it when you blush, because you have the feeling you embarras yourself when you blush. You always try to hide your face, but Justin tells you that you are beautiful, and that he find it really attractive when a girls blushes because of his words or actions, and he also thinks it's so cute when you blush. He always grabs your face with both of his hands and starts laughing and saying things like
"You are blushing huh" or "don't hide your beautiful face for me"
Which makes you even more blush.

What he does when you're upset:

Justin always directly knows it when you're upset, it doesn't matter if you tell him you're okay, or if you are calling him, he knows it. He always tries to comfort you by pulling you into a really tight hug for a few minutes. He always starts rubbing your back or planting small kisses on your neck and whispering sweet words in your ear. He also takes you out, to a romantic place, like the beach or the park. He buys a lot of stuff for you and spoils you with a lot of presents. He keeps on telling you that you are beautiful, all day long. And when it's time to go to bed, Justin always lays down next to you, very close, and wraps his arms around you and hugs and kisses you, before you both fall asleep.


A few short preferences, hope you enjoyed reading it! :) ❤️

Question; do you like the new cover? Yay or nay?

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