13 - Surprise? (Happy/Cute)

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Imagine Justin is on tour, you didn't saw him for 2 months, but you decided to suprise him at his concert. You just arrived at the airport and Fredo is going to pick you up.

"Fredo!" You scream while you walk out of the plane. Fredo is waiting for you. You walk towards him and hug him. Fredo is one of your best friends since Justin introduced him to you.

"Thank you so much for picking me up from the airport," You say while handing your bags to Fredo.

"No problem at all," Fredo says smiling at you.
"I think it's very sweet of you that you are going to surprise him," You smile back at him, and the two of you walk towards his car.

You drive towards the concert hall where Justin is performing tonight. Fredo parks the car, and you both step out of the car. Fredo grabbs your arm and the two of you walk towards the entree.

"Follow me," Fredo says. He starts running, and you run after him.

"We have to go into the hall, before the paparazzi sees us," He says. You nodd, even though he can't see it, because you are walking behind him.

You both finally made it to the entree. You both go inside. You don't want Justin to see you backstage, because you wan't to surprise him while you are standing in the crowd.

After a while Justin finally starts his concert. You watch him coming down with this big 'Music Wings'. This is the first time you see Justin in this two months. You feel so happy, because you are so close to him.

"Let's go to the crowd," Fredo says. The two of you walk towards the place where the crowd is. The guards let you into the crowd. Fredo leads you and walks into the crowd, try to get as close to the podium as possible. You heard a few girls screaming your name, but the most of the girls are really busy with Justin.

Justin is singing 'Out of town girl' rightnow and he hasn't noticed you yet. The crowd is so loud. There were so many girls, but you also saw a few guys. They are all going crazy, it makes you so happy, that the boy that you love, and the boy who also loves you, can make other people so unbelievable happy. Everybody was wearing a shirt with Justin on it, and sang along his song.

You and Fredo were also singing and dancing. Fredo and you jumped and waved your hands it the air. The two of you enjoyed the concert to the fullest.

After Justin finished Out of town girl and Be alright, he started singing Fall. He was singing while playing his guitar. He looked into the crowd and suddenly you felt two eyes were starring into yours. You stare at him, but then you start smiling. Justin is still starring at you with a suspicious look on his face. You don't know if he recognizes you.

During his concert, Justin looked at you non stop, still with a suspicious look on his face.

After Justin finished his last song, he said goodbye to the crowd and disappeared. Everyone literally cried. Not that they didn't crier before but okey...
The place started to get empty. Fredo and you quickly walked backstage, after being reconized a few time.

"I'm sure he recognized you," Fredo says smiling.

"I don't know- " You say laughing.
"- he don't expect me to be here," I say.

"True.. true," Fredo says. You are walking towards his dressing room.

"Okay, wait here..." Fredo says. You nod. Fredo knocks on the door and opens it. You are standing against the door, listening to what they are saying.

"Good show bro!," You hear Fredo saying.

"Thank bro, i swear there is something wrong with me- " He starts. You giggle a little.

"- i thought i saw [Y/N] in the crowd, but i mean, that is impossible, she isn't even here." Justin says.

"It isn't that weird that you saw her, because i think i saw her too," I hear Fredo smirking.

"What are you talking about?" You hear Justin say, you can imagine his face he was making while he said this.

"Well..." You hear Fredo saying.

'this is the moment to come in' you think by yourself. You softly open the door and walk inside. You see that Fredo is standing against the wall with his arms crossed, he is smiling at you. You close the door and that is the moment that Justin turns his head around, facing you.

"Surprise?," You softly say while you put your hands in the air.

"What?" Justin mumbles. He is starring at you. You smile at him. After a few seconds Justin also get a light smile on his face.

"[Y/N]!," Justin says while he walks towards you. He opens his arms and wraps them around your waist, twirling you around. You giggle while your arms are wrapped around Justin his neck.

"Babe, i've missed you so much!," He says while pecking your lips.

"I've missed you to, that's why i'm here," You say smiling.

"This is definitely the best surprise ever," Justin says still holding you.

"How did you even get here?" He asks. You point at Fredo and you see Fredo smiling.

"That's why you suddenly had to go 'away' without saying anything," Justin says smirking. Fredo lifts his shoulders while saying "Yup".

After you guys talked a little, you said hi to the crew. Everybody was really happy to see you, and so was Justin. After that Justin putted on some fresh clothes, and said goodbye to the crew. A car drove you to the hotel where Justin is staying. The two of you walked upstairs and entered Justin his room.

"I'm so happy that you are here," Justin says while holding you.

"Same," You says smiling. Justin starts kissing you and lays you down on the bed. Justin is climbing on top of you, still kissing you.

"I love you." Justin mumbles. He stops kissing you and looks straight into your eyes.

"And i love you too." He lightly smiles and starts kissing you neck...

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