26 - Sun,Sea and Hot boys (Cute)

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Imagine you are at the beach with two of your best friends. You spot some very handsome boys who are playing beachvolleybal.

"This is a nice spot!," You friend says. She is walking towards a place right before the sea and drops her bags. She looks at you and smiles. You and your other friend walk towards her.

"This is just what I needed, sun, sea, and everywhere hot boys," Your friend smirks. You laugh while you lay down on your towel.

"Look what I bought today," Your friend shows you a purple bandana. You think it is really beautiful.

"I don't like it actually, [Y/N], come here," You crawl towards your friend. She wraps the bandana around your head.

"Ohmy I love it," You say while you look at yourself in your little makeup mirror.

"You can have it," Your friend says smiling.

"Really? Thanks," You hug your friend and crawl back towards your own towel.

"Watch out!" You suddenly hear somebody shout. There is a volleybal coming towards you guys.

"Ahh!" Your friend screams and she covers her face with her hands. The volleybal lands on her towel.

The boy is coming towards you and your friends, and he grabs the ball. He is laughing.

"Sorry," He says and walks back towards his friends.

We all start laughing.

"He is cute," Your friend says giggling.

"Yes he is, but the boy with the toned skin is also very cute, he is excactly my type," Your other friend says. You keep your mouth shut.

"And, [Y/N], wich boy do you fancy the most?" Your friend asks you.

"Well-" You start.

"The boy with the brown hair and lots of tattoos is, you know, kinda cute," You say blushing and smiling.

"Come girls, lets say hi," Your friend stands up and grabs you and your friends hands.

"N-no!" You say. You sit back down.

"Ahh, come on [Y/N], nothing bad can happen," Your friend says.

"Uhuh," You shake your head.
"Look at him, he has a girlfriend," You look at the brown haired guy, he grabs a girl by her waist and spins her around.

"Never a try is always a failure," Your friend says but you stick to your point.

"Okay, we are back in a few minutes," Your friends walk away. You watch them. The only thing they do is giggling while they watch the boys who are playing volleybal.

Suddenly the boys notice your friends and start talking with them. The brown haired boy also starts talking with them. One of your friends points at you and suddenly everybody is watching you. You are really embarresed.

"Ugh," You softly say. You lay down on your belly so you don't have to watch your friends flirting with the boys.

A few minutes later the girls are still not back. Suddenly you hear something next to you. You look up and see that there is a boy laying next to you. But it is not just a boy, it's him.

"Hi," He says smiling.

"Hi," You say shyly back.

"Why don't you join us?," The boy asks. He puts of his sunglasses and you can see his beautiful brown eyes. Damn.

"Come, lets have fun," The boy says smiling. He stands up and grabs your hand. You also stand up.

"By the way, i'm Justin," He says.


The two of you walk towards your friends and his friend.

"Yay ohmy! She is finally here, how did you convinced her?," Your friend says.

"It wasn't that hard," Justin says smirking.

"No ofcourse not, she l-," Your friend says but she realizes that she have to keep her mouth shut.

"She what?" Justin asks confusing. He is looking at your friends.

"She just.. Missed us," Your friend says smiling. You look at her and laugh. Yes, sure.

"Ohh," Justin says smiling. "Well, lets play volleybal again," Nobody seems really excited.

"Well-" One of Justins friends starts.

"-we actually wanted to go swimming," He says. He grabs one of your friends and runs with her towards the sea. The toned boy also grabs one of your friend and runs also with her towards the sea.

"And my friends leave me alone, again," You say smirking.

"No, you are not alone. I'm with you," Justin says. You giggle.

"That is true," You say while you are wathing your friends, they are having so much fun together.

"You also want to go swimming or?..." Justin asks. You shrug your shoulders.

"Come," Justin grabs your hand and runs together with you in the sea. You scream because it is so cold. The only thing Justin does is laughing. He grabs you by your waist and spins you around. You fall in the water and your bandana falls off. Justin grabs it and wraps it around his head. You just laugh, it looks funny but also hot as fuck.

"Justin?" You say. Justin nodds and says

"Yes love?"

"Why did you came to me?" You ask shyly. Justin laughs really cute.

"Well, your friends said that you didn't wanted to come, and I was like, why not?, so I said I was going to try to convince you, and I succeed,"Justin smirks. You laugh and shake your head. You look up to Justin and you just can't stop laughing.

"Why are you laughing?," Justin asks. You point at your bandana that is still wrapped around Justin his head.

"It looks really funny," You say while you are still laughing.

"Well, thanks for making fun of me," Justin tries to sound sad.

"But also hot," You say softly. You already regret it that you said that. Justin just smirks

"It looks hotter on you," Justin removes the bandana from his head and wrappes in around your head. You giggle.

"And, I like the colour, purple is my fav," Justin says smiling.

"Mine too," You say smiling back at him.

The two of you spend the whole day together and had so much fun. At the end of the day the two of you exchanged numbers and so did your friends with Justin his friends.

When you arrive home you see you have a message from Justin

From: Justin

Had a fun time tody at the beach, do i see you again soon? ;)

The only thing you can do is smile, and you reply

Me too, sounds good :)


Do you guys also think Justin looks very hot when he is wearing a bandana ? ;)

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