60 - Guitar lesson (Cute)

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Imagine your dad owns a guitarshop and you are just chilling around when suddenly someone walks inside, but not just someone....

"Hi dad," You say when you walk into the shop. You just came straight out of school to the guitarshop, to hang around a little and wait untill your father closes the shop so you can drive home with him.

"Hey honey," he says. You throw your bag behind the desk and grab some water.

After a few minutes you decide to grab a guitar and play a little. You are not really good at it but you know how to play the basics, you even know one song, Fall by Justin Bieber.

Suddenly you hear a few voices talking to eachother. You look towards the door and you see two big mans walking inside the shop. There is also someone walking behind them, but you can't see who.

'Hmm, probably nothing important' you think and you keep on playing the guitar when you suddenly hear your father say your name. You look up at him and he signs with his hands that you have to come.

You walk towards him and then you suddenly see someone standing in the shop. But not just somebody... it... it is Justin Bieber. You keep on starring at him.

Is the real Justin Bieber really in my dad's shop? This can't be true.

Suddenly Justin looks at you. You stop breathing when he lightly smiles at you, and then he focus back again on the guitars. You look at your dad but he is talking to one of the bodyguards.

You keep on starring at Justin, he probably feels very awkward..

"Nice guitars," Justin says. You think he is speaking to himself but then he looks at you and frowns.

"Yea-Yes," You say smiling. Justin grabs the guitar and he starts playing a song. It sounds so perfect.

"Good one," Justin mumbles in his self and then he walks towards you.

"Do you work here?," He asks.
You can feel that you are blushing a little, but duh... You are talking to Justin Bieber.

"Uhh, well, the owner is actually my dad," You say while you rub your hands together.

"Ohhh," Justin says and then he smiles.
"Can you play the guitar?," He asks. You nod.

"Let me hear something," Justin says smiling.

Oh god, why did you even say yes....This is so embarrasing... You only know the basics and one song, and let that be a song of Justin himself.

You walk towards the guitar you always use and start playing Fall. You are so nervous... But luckily you don't make any mistakes. Justin keeps on watching you, when he says

"Nice, wow, you can play the guitar very well," Justin says smiling You blush and smile back at him.

"But, this note....," Justin says. He walks behind you and wraps his hands around your waist so he can also grab the guitar. He smells really good and his arms are really strong.

"G mineur," Justin says. You place your fingers at the right places on the strings and make a G note.

"Like this," Justin slowly says. You can feel his hot breath touch your skin. He grabs your fingers and helps you playing the note good.

"Yes, that's it," Justin says smiling. You also smile and keep on playing.

An hour later, when Justin is about to leave, you ask him to take a pictue with you. You also asks for his autograph.

"Here," Justin says smiling. You grab the paper, and then you wave at Justin and his new guitar.

"Wow, that was so cool," You say to your dad but he seems busy with something else, so you just decide to grab the guitar and play what Justin told you.

A few minutes later your grab the little autograph paper, but when you open it you don't even see a autograp.... The note says

For more guitar lessons... contact me 01134987364 ;)

You cover your mouth with your hands and with no doubt you directly text him.

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