4 - Love me (Cute)

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Imagine Justin and you have been best friends since you were a baby, you didn't see him in years but today is finally the day you see each other again

Justin and you've been friends since you were babies. Pattie and your mom were best friends, and they almost become pregnant at the same time. Justin and you grew up together, and you were best friends. When you were both 14 years old, you began to like Justin very much. You couldn't help it but you fell in love with him. You wanted to tell him before he left the town, but you were to scared to tell him, because if Justin didn't have the same feelings for you, your friendship could have been over. But ever since Justin left town, you never really spoke to each other. Justin was to busy with everything, he didn't have time for you. When you saw that Justin was dating Selena, it really broke your heart. You still regret it that you didn't tell Justin that you love him.

But today is a big day, you and Justin are finally going to see each other again, after 5 years not seeing or speaking to each other. You are really nervous. You don't know how you will react if you see him, he is the most famous and hottest 19-years-old boy in the world. Everything is different, but you actually hope that it is still the same.

Ding Dong

You look up at the door and you see 2 people standing in front of it. You can only see their shades. You feel so nervous.

"I'm coming!." Your mom screams, and after a few seconds she opens the door. You are standing in the living room, waiting for Justin and Pattie to come in. You can hear your mom talking. You also hear a really deep voice.

Wow. His voice didn't change a bit in these past 5 years... Note the sarcasm.

Then someone walks into the living room, it is Pattie. You are a little bit relieved that it is Pattie, instead of Justin.

"[Y/N]!" Pattie screams. She walks towards you and she gives you a really tight hug.

"Hi Pattie!," You say.

"How are you doing beautiful? It is such a long time ago that I have seen you! You have changed so much, I don't even recognize you!." Pattie says while she is still hugging you. You giggle.

After a few seconds Pattie breaks the hug and you can see that there is someone standing behind her.


You feel nerves in your whole body, and at the same time you feel butterflies. Oh crap, the feelings are still here, you are still in love with him.

"Hey," Justin says while he is looking at you.

"Hi," You say with a nervous voice. You look at Justin and you see that he starts smiling at you. You smile back at him. Damn, how you love that smile.

Justin walks towards you and he hugs you. You feels his strong arms wrapped around you. Justin is even hotter than he was before.

"I have missed you so much," Justin whispers in your ear.That deep, sexy voice..

"I have missed you too, a lot," You whisper.

Justin spins you around and smiles. He breaks the hug and he grab your hands.

"You are so beautiful, even more beautiful than you were before." He says with a cute smile. You blush. You actually want to say that Justin looks like a sex god, but you don't want to make Justin think that you are weird.

"Thanks!," You say shyly and you feel that you are blushing.

"After all those years we have finally met again." Your mom says and everyone smiles. It feels so good to be with him again, it is such a long time ago.

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