17 - Valentine's day (Romantic)

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Imagine Justin is your best friend. It is valentine's day today and you are spending the day together, because you both don't have a relationship, so that the two of you wouldn't be alone today.

"Haha this is so funny," You say laughing while laying on the couch, against Justin, watching spongebob. Yeah, you still like spongebob, nothing wrong with that.... huh?

"Yes it is," Justin says laughing. He grabs some popcorn that we just made, and throws it in the air, trying to catch it with his mouth. He succeed.

"Oh yeah!," Justin says chewing, and throwing his hands in the air. You look at him and he smiles.

"I want to do that too," You say. You turn around, so that you are facing Justin, sitting on the couch with your legs crossed.

"Okay, try it," Justin says while giving you some popcorn. You throw it in the air and try to catch it with your mouth, but you fail. Justin is laughing.

"I want to try it again, if you can do it, i can do it too," You say while grabbing some new popcorn.

"You just want to be better then me huh?," Justin says smirking.

"Hmm, maybe," You say smiling lightly. You try to do it again and you also fail this time. You cross your arms and pouts. Justin is laughing.

"You can't beat the champ," Justin says proud. You just look at him, still pouting.

"Aww, my little loser," Justin says smirking. He leans in and hugs me very tightly.

"We are supposed to be nice to eachother today, it's valentine," You say while snuggling into his neck.

"I am nice to you, i'm cuddling you," Justin says. You giggle. Justin is your best friend and he can make you feel so comfortable, just always.

"But hey, we should go do something nice," Justin says while breaking the hug. His hands are resting on your knees now.

"Something nice like what?," You ask him.

"Something like, a beach walk, you like that?," Justin asks shyly. Ahw he is so cute.

"Yes, sure," You say smiling.

"Yay!" Justin stands up. You also standup and turn off the television. You grab your jacket and so does Justin. Then he opens the door.

"Ladies first," Justin says while holding the door open for you.

"Thanks Juju," You say smiling and you see him smiling back at you. You wait for Justin as he close the door.

"Let's go," Justin says offering you his arm. You slid yours in his and together you walked to the beach.

During the walk you thought about your close friendship with Justin. You are really good friends for such a long time. He makes you smile, and just happy. He is one out of a million. But you never thought about being more then friends with him.

"It's beautifull here, isn't it?," Justin says.

"Yes, it is," You say smiling at him.
"Especially with some snow here and there, it looks so beautifull, but it is also really cold," You say while pulling Justin more against you with your arm. Suddenly Justin stops walking.

"Here," Justin says. He takes off his Jacket and gives it to you.

"No Justi-," Justin cuts you off.

"No, i'm not getting cold," Justin grabs the jacket and he puts it around your shoulders. He is so sweet. You just smile at him.

After the two of you walkes along the beach, you decided also to walk along the shore. Justin stops at a little shop.

"Wait here," He says while walking into the shop. You stay outside, waiting for Justin to come out. After a few minutes he finally came out the shop with both his hands behind his back.

"What are you hiding?," You ask him smirking.

"Well...-" Justin starts. He shows his left hand, he is holding a rose.

"- do you want to be my valentine?," Justin asks you with his cute smile. You smile back at him.

"Yes, ofcourse," You say. Justin hands you the rose and you grab it.

"And, because you are my valentine, i had to buy something for you, because, that's traditional-," Justin says. You just giggle.

"- so i bought this for you," Justin shows you a little teddy bear that is holding a heart.

"Aww, Justin, that is so sweet!," You say while Justin hands you the bear. You look at the little teddy bear and then at Justin. He is blushing.

"Thanks Justin," You say while wrapping your arms around Justin his neck for a hug. He wraps his arms around your waist and hugs you tightly.

"You're welcome love," He says while kissing your shoulder softly. You giggle.

The two of you walked down the shore and you had an amazing time together. Suddenly a man with a camera is walking towards us.

"Hello love couple, do you want to get a polaroid picture together?," The man says smiling with the camera in his hand, ready to take a picture.

"Uhh, yeah sure," Justin says while looking at you.

"Good, good, well go stand there," The man says pointing. You walk together to the place the man said and pose for the camera.

"Nice! And another one,"We both smile.
"Kiss your girlfriend's cheek for the picture," The man says.

"Uhh," Justin whispers awkwardly. He kisses your cheek and the man makes another picture.

"Great!," The man says while handing you the pictures.

"Have a great day together loves."

Justin and you both look at eachother and laugh.

"Did he just called us a couple?," You ask Justin.

"I think so," He says laughing.
"Let me see the pic's,"  You show Justin the pictures that the man made for you.

"We actually look really like a couple," Justin says blushing. You don't say anything but just smile.

"Don't you think so?" Justin asks you while looking at you. You nodd shyly.

"Come here," Justin says. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and pulss you very tight against him.

"Thank you for being my valentine," You say.

"I love to be your valentine," Justin says while kissing your head. It makes you giggle.

It is your best valentine ever..

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