72 - Not longer my boyfriend (Sad/Romantic)

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Imagine Justin is your boyfriend for over 2 years now, but he is acting different today

"Babe?," You say, while you are just chilling on the couch, watching tv.

"Mhh?," He says. He is just sitting in the chair in front of you.

"What do you want to do today?," You ask. Justin just sighs and shrugs.

"Swimming? Shopping?," You suggest but Justin shakes his head.
"Cuddling and watching movies?," That is the thing Justin loves the most, so he has to say yes.

"Hmm, no," Justin says.

"What? Are you sick or something?," You joke.

"There is actually something I need to tell you...," Justin says, very serious. You look at him and frown.

"What babe? Tell me," You say while you sit up straight. Justin sighs.

"Not here," He sighs and stands up.

"B-but why not? what is it?," You start to get a bit nervous, because Justin always tells you everything, but now he suddenly can't say it here? like, whut?

"Come," Justin says while he grabs his carkeys and walks outside. You quickly follow him outside and step inside the car.

The whole time you are both very quiet, until you arrive at the beach.

"What are we doing here?," You ask. You both step out of the car and walk towards the sand.

"To tell you," Justin says while he looks at you. You walk a bit further until Justin stops. He faces you and sighs.

"So? What do you want to tell me?," You ask. Justin looks at you.

"It's just-," He starts but he doesn't continue.

"It's what?," You ask. You start to get a little mad and upset, because why is it so hard for him to tell something.

"I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore," Justin says. You look at him and you just freeze.

"What?," You spat out.
"You brought me to the freaking beach to tell me that you don't want to be my boyfriend anymore?," You say while your voice cracks.

You just can't believe it, you just can't. What is this? It is absolutely ridiculous. A tear streams down your face as you try yo walk away, but Justin stops you by grabbing your arm.

"I brought you here to tell you that I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore-," Justin says. He is starring into your eyes.
"-but to tell you that I want to be your husband," Justin says.

You look at him in disbelieve. Did he really just said that?

"Y-you really want to-," You say, but Justin interrupts you by wrapping his arms around your neck and whispering into your ear

"Yes, I really want to be your husband."

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