41 - Date at home (Romantic)

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Imagine you and Justin are dating. He asked you out on a date tonight, but you are ill....

It's 5PM and you still feel really ill... You woke up this morning with a sore throat and a bad headache.
Justin and you have a date at 7PM but you really don't want to go when you feel like this..

You decide to call him, and you just pray that he won't become mad.

You sit on the couch, with a blanket, your hair in a messy high bun and you are wearing Justin his shirt and really comfy pants.

The phone rings a few times, but then Justin picks up his phone.

"Hey babe," Justin says.

"Hey Juju..," You say back.

"How are you doing?," Justin asks.
You sigh. You decide to say directly that you can't go out on a date with him.

"Justin, listen, I really don't feel well, I have a really sore troath and a bad headache, but I don't want to cancel ou-," You starts but Justin interrupts you.

"So you won't go out with me on a date tonight?," Justin says, he sounds a little sad.

"No I-," You say but Justin hangs up the phone.

You look at your phone. Did he just hang up? Really? Is he mad at you?

You throw your phone away and starts crying a little. You have the feeling that you just ruined your relationship. Why would he be mad? You can't do anything about the fact that you are ill... You already looked like a mess, but now even more... This day can't go any worse than this.

An hour later you are still just sitting on the couch, watching tv, and thinking about Justin, when you suddenly hear the doorbell ring. You look up. Who can this be? You walk towards the door and open it.

"Justin?," You say surprised.

"Hey Allysa," Justin says while he walks inside with a huge bag. Isn't he mad or something?
You walk after him.

"Do you already feel a little better?,"Justin asks while he looks at you.

"Uhm, no, not really, but why are you here?," You ask.

"What do you mean?," Justin frowns.

"I thought you were mad at me...," You say. Justin starts laughing.

"What? Why?," He says laughing while he walks toward you and wraps his arms around your waist.

"Well, when I told you that I was ill you directly hung up and I thought you were mad at me because I, well, I canceled our date," You say while you look Justin in the eyes. He strokes your cheek with his thumb.

"No, ofcourse i'm not mad at you babe, you are ill! Honestly, I don't even want you to go outside when you are ill, because I don't want you to become even more ill," Justin says. Aww he is so sweet.

"I hung up because when you told me you were ill I directly rushed towards the shops to buy you some stuff," Justin says shyly. He looks so cute.

You hug him very tight and snuggle into his neck. Justin breaks the hug and grabs his bag. He is holding it behind his back.

"Sit down on the couch babe," Justin smirks. You smile and sit down on the couch. Justin walks towards you, and stands still in front of you. He shows you the bag and smiles.

"At first, I have this for you," Justin says while he grabs a large starbucks mug out of the bag.

"Hot chocolate milk," Justin says smiling. You take it and smile.

Justin grabs a few things more, like a teddy bear who is holding a heart, a pink blanket that is really really soft, some chocolat, a card with Get Well Soon inside it, and also a white shirt with the text 'I love you' on it.
Justin is still standing in front of you, with an empty bag.

"You are so cute Justin, thank you so much," You say while you stand up to give Justin a hug.

"No no no babe, sit down, don't stand up," Justin says. You smirk.

"Justin, you act like I can't do anything because i'm ill," You say laughing. Justin sticks his tongue out to you and sits down next to you.

He wraps his arms around you and kisses your head.

"I also brought something else for you," Justin says. He grabs a dvd from behind his back. You look at it.

"The Notebook?," You say smiling. Justin nods. It is your favorite movie.

"I thought, if we can't go out on a romantic date, then we have to make it romantic here," Justin says.

"You are amazing Justin," You say smiling.

"I know babe," Justin smirks. He tries to kiss you but you avoid it. Justin looks a bit surprised.

"If you kiss me, you will also get ill, and I don't want that to happen," You say very serious, but then Justin kisses you.

"I don't care babe, if I get ill, you will take care of me," He smirks. You shake your head and smile.

"Doofus," You whisper.

"What?," Justin says. You smile.

"What did you call me?," He starts tickling you.

"I love you Justin," You quickly say. Justin looks at you.

"I love you too babe," Justin says and pulls you against him.

The two of you watched to movie together and had a really romantic night together, it was maybe even better than a date.


New Imagine yay!

Hope you guys liked it :)

I also uploaded a new chapter of my book, the sequel to imagine 28, for the ones who didn't knew yet, so you can check that out if you want !

love you all ♥♥

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