87 - A Bad Breakup (Sad/Cute)

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Imagine your boyfriend just broke up with you, you went to Justin, who is your best friend, to find some support

"[Y/N], what happened? Are you okay?," Justin says in shock as he opens his front door, where you just went since your boyfriend broke up with you.

You have been together with him since a few months, but the lasts few weeks he started treating you like crap. You decided to break up with him, but he didn't let you do that, since he slapped you in the face and all over your body a few times, leaving you with bad bruises.

"Justin....," You whisper, crying as you fall into his arms. He carries you to the living room, supporting you and he places you down on the couch.

"What the hell happened?," Justin asks, still in shock as he places both of his hands on your shoulders, looking at you.

"I-I..," You stutter, but you almost feel too embarrased to speak, and to tell him what happened.

"Please tell me," Justin says as he strokes your hair, and puts a strand of hair behind your ear.

You look down at your lap, where you can see tears falling.

"I- I broke up with David," You whisper, and slowly look up at Justin.
His faces tenses up and he begins to breath heavily.

"That bastard!," He shouts as he stands up and throws a glass of the table down on the floor, scaring you because of the loud noise.

"Did he do this to you?," He asks for clarification, while he already knows that the answer is yes.  You slowly nod your head up and down.

"I hate him," Justin whispers.
"If I ever see this boy again, I have no idea what will happen, because I don't know if I can control myself." He scolds as he walks towards the kitchen. He grabs a bottle filled with water, and walks towards you again.

"Here, drink some water," Justin speaks as he hands you the bottle of water. You take a sip out of it, but since you are really shaky, you spill some water.

"He said he would search for me and come to my house, i'm so scared Justin," You softly whisper as you slowly look up at Justin. He sighs and sits down next to you.

"Don't be, you're here with me, you aren't going anywhere," He whispers into your ear as he caresses your hair.
"Come, take a shower and let's get you changed," He says while he stands up and grabs both of your hands.

The two of you slowly start walking towards the stairs, as Justin carries you up the stairs, and place you on your feet again once your there.

"Take a shower sweetie, I'm sure you will feel better after that," Justin speaks as he walks into the bathroom and turns on the shower.
"I will grab some fresh clothes for you, and I will make some tea, I will be waiting here for you," Justin comforts you, as he pulls you in a tight hug.

"Thankyou Justin," You say while you lightly smile. He plants a kiss onto your forehead as he walks towards his bedroom, so you can take a shower which you do.

After you come out of the shower you walk towards Justin his bedroom, where you find him laying on his bed, watching television.

As soon as he sees you coming into the room he jumps out of the bed and walks towards you. You are just in your bra and underwear, but it doesn't feel awkward since Justin has been your best friend since forever.

"Here, puts on these clothes sweetie," He says as he hands you the clothes. You take them and put them on. Once you are done you sit down on the bed.

"Come here," Justin says in this sweet tone, as he pulls up the blankets. You shove a little to the back, and pull the blankets on top of you. Justin places himself next to you, under the blankets as well.

"I was so scared, i'm glad that it is over," You say as you rest your head onto Justin his shoulder.

"Me too, he doesn't deserve you, you are such a beautiful girl, from the inside and outside. You are smart, sweet and so lovely, you deserve so much better," Justin compliments as he puts his arm around you and strokes your shoulder with his thumb.

His sweet words make you feel so loved and worth it again, he always knows how to comforts you.

"You are so sweet Justin, I don't know what to do without you," You whisper and snug your head into his chest.

"Everything for you sweetie, I promise I won't be going anywhere, you will stay here untill you are safe again, I don't care if it takes a million years, I will always take care of you," He plants another kiss on your head and you lightly smile.

"I love you," You say as you look up at Justin, to find him smiling at you.

"And I love you too."


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