20 - Secret love (Sad)

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Imagine you are Justin Bieber his 'secret girlfriend'. You guys are dating for 3 months rightnow but Justin wants to keep it a secret.

"Justin, I already told you, I don't care if the media knows about us, the only thing I want is that everybody knows about us, because I love you," You say to Justin, but he isn't listening.

"Listen [Y/N], you know I love you too, but I want to protect you from all the hate," Justin says.

"Justin you don't have to protect me against the hate, because I can handle that," You are getting really mad and upset rightnow, because you really don't want to keep it a secret anymore.

"This isn't the first time that we have a fight about this [Y/N], it's just not gonna happen," Justin says.

"So, when do you want to tell them? Never? Who do you think you even are? This is not only your relationship, but also mine," Your eyes are getting watery.

"You just don't understand how it is to get all this hate, believe me, you don't want to go trough that, I just want to protect you," Justin is loosing his patience.

"It is my fucking choice Justin! I don't want to keep our relationship secret anymore," You start crying.

"Please, don't cry honey, you just don't understand why i'm doing this," Justin is trying to hug you but you push him away.

"No, and I never will, i don't want this anymore if it has to go like this," You walk away from Justin.

"[Y/N]! Please!," You hear Justin shout but you walk away as quick as possible.


It's two days since the fight between you and Justin, and you haven't spoke to eachother since then. Rightnow you are in your room watching a tv show. They just announced that Justin will be there for an interview. You decide to watch it.

"Ladies and Gentlemans, Justin Bieber!" The interviewer says. The audience is clapping and screaming. When you see Justin your heart skips a beat.

"Hi, thankyou," Justin says and he takes a seat.

"So, how have you been doing lately?," The interviewer asks.

"Good," Justin says smiling.

He is such a liar you think. Like, how can he feel 'good' ?

The interviewer asks Justin a few things about his music and about what's going on in his life. Nothing special. But then, here comes the question you've been waiting for. The 'girlfriend' question.

"So Justin, I know, everybody asks it all the time, but I think all the ladies here want to know this-" The interviewer says. The audience is going crazy and the camera is focused on Justin rightnow. He is biting his lip.

"- you still don't have a girlfriend?," The interviewer asks. The camera is still focused on Justin and you can see by the look on his face that he don't know what to say.

What is he going to say? Is he going to say that he doesn't have a girlfriend, like always, while he has?

Justin keeps quiet

"Is that a yes?," The interviewer asks.

"Well... It's a bit complicated," Justin says.


"Tell us about it, I have enough time," The interviewer says while he is looking at his watch.

"So... I-.. I actually don't know if I have a girlfriend at the moment...," Justin starts. The interviewer gives him a weird look.

"The thing is that, I used to date this girl named [Y/N], she was -is still perfect-," Justin says blushing.

"So what happend between you guys?" The interviewer asks.

Is Justin really saying this? Does he just really said your name on tv, in public?

"I kinda messed up, I told her I wanted to keep our relationship secret because I wanted to protect her from all the hate," Justin says. His voice cracks. The audience is saying awww.

"So you guys aren't together anymore?,"

"I really don't know... I still love her and I should have listen to her, I hope she forgives me" Justin says.

"Well, if you are watching this [Y/N], I think you should think about what Justin just said, because he really loves you, and he just made it public," The interviewer says.

You are smiling and crying at the same time. Justin finally made your relationship public. Not on a really natural way, but, who cares?

The interviewer asks Justin some more questions, and a few minutes later the interview ends.

You turn off your television. You grab your phone, and suddenly you see that someone is calling you.


"Hi?" You say trough the telephone.

"I don't want to keep our rela-" Justin starts but you cut him off.

"I know it babe, I saw everything, and, ofcourse I forgive you, you are my everything," You say.

"Does that mean that you are still my girlfriend? With a fresh start?," Justin asks.

"Yes babe," You say smiling, even though Justin can't see it.

"You are amazing, i love you,"

You hear Justin say trough the telephone..

"I love you too,"....

This is a new start of your relationship.

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