6 - The accident (Fight/Sad)

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Imagine You and Justin are fighting a lot. He always says that he doesn't have a lot of time for you, because he is so busy with other things, but you always see pictures of him with other girls and his friends. It makes you feel insecure.

You tried to call him all day long, but he didn't answer his telephone, so you decided to go to his house.

Right now you just arrived at Justin's place, and you walk towards the door. You knock on the door and wait for a few seconds. Then someone opens the door.

"Babe!" Justin says and he hugs you.
"How are you? Come in!"

You walk inside his house without saying anything. Justin walks behind you and grabs your hand.

"Give me a kiss," he says and he tries to kiss you but you avoid it.

"Why did you do that?," he asks.

"Why aren't you answering your telephone? I tried to call you all day but you didn't answer...," you say a little mad.

"I'm sorry babe... I decided to turn my telephone off for a day.."

"At least you could have told me..."

"I'm really sorry babe..." Justin says while he is starring at you. You try to be mad at him, but he looks so sad, and you really can't resist him when he looks at you like this.

You put your hands around his neck and Justin starts kissing your neck. He travels up to your lips and the two of you start making out. Justin places his hand on you butt and he squeezes it softly. You let out a little moan. You break the kiss and you stare at him. You both smile lightly. Justin lifts you up, and while he is carrying you upstairs he starts undressing you.

Justin is on top of you, starting to kiss your belly. He travels up to your breasts. Finally his lips touch your lips and he softly moans "I want you" in your ear. Your body is shivering. Justin looks at you and bites his lip. He is so damn hot...

A couple of hours later, you are lying in each others arms on the bed.

"Justin?," you say.

"Hmm?," Justin answers.

"I really want to spend more time with you..."

"Me too babe..."

"But.. You never have time for me, sometimes I really don't know if you even want to be with me anymore," You say while you look at Justin. He is starring blankly to the wall.

"Why would you say that?," Justin sounds a bit irritated.

"Because that is how I feel."

"Why didn't you tell me that you felt like that earlier?," Justin finally looks over at you.

"I just told you?," You pull away from his grip and you look at him. He always has these weird comments.

"Whoa, didn't mean to make you mad..," Justin says while he is rolling his eyes.

"I'm not mad? Why do you think i'm mad?," you try to stay calm, but you know how this is ending.

Justin doesn't say anything. He stands up and walks away. You watch him while he walks away and you throw your head back on the bed. You grab your clothes, and after you're dressed up again you walk downstairs.

"I'm going home." you speak as you put on your jacket, you stare at Justin who is sitting on the couch watching TV. He doesn't say a thing. You look down at the floor and you walk away. You really don't want to have a fight with Justin right now, so the best thing to do is leaving. Just like you are used to do.

You walk out of the door.

You are on the road, driving in your car. The only thing you can think about is Justin. Maybe he is just not the right guy for you. This is not what you expected of 'being in a relationship with Justin Bieber'. It feels like he doesn't want you anymore. Maybe it is better if you break up with him, he only makes you cry all the time, and that is not a thing a boyfriend should do. You feel your telephone vibrate in your pocket. You try to get it out of your pocket, and when you finally succeed and look at the screen, you are surprised. Justin?

There is a hard noise. Suddenly you don't hear or see anything anymore.


"Wait... What....," I drop my phone and fall onto my knees. I grab my hair with my hands and start screaming. My girlfriend just had a car accident.

"Why... Why.. WHY!!!" I scream out loud. I grab a chair and throw it through the living room. I punch and kick the wall.

"I have to see her..." I mumble to myself. I grab my car keys, run to my car, and make my over way to the hospital, as quick as I can be.


"Where is she?," I walk trough a big, white hallway. It feels like there are a million rooms.

"Justin!," I look up and see that [Y/N] her mom is standing in the hallway. I walk towards her.
"Oh boy..." she says and she wraps her arms around me. I start crying. I've never cried so hard before in my life.

[Y/N]'s mom is looking at me and says

"Shh.. come, she is here," She grabs my arm and we walk into the room. I suddenly stop walking. My girl, my everything, the one that I love is laying there... And guess what? It is all my fault. I was so dumb to let her go home, while she was sad. And me? I was just watching TV. I was just fucking watching TV while my girl was sad..

I walk towards her. I carefully stroke her cheek, and grab her hand.

"Babe..," I whisper. Tears are streaming down my face. I have never felt this empty before, this made me realize that I was such a bad boyfriend. Why do I realize this now? Why didn't I earlier?

"Justin...." I hear a soft voice, a really really soft voice. I look up and see that [Y/N] softly opens her eyes.

"Babe!" I say and I come closer.

"Do you hear me? Babe?," I ask. She looks at me, straight in the eyes. Suddenly I have this weird feeling in my stomach. She is alive.

"You are here," [Y/N] whispers, and she smiles very lightly, with her eyes closed again.

"Of course i'm here babe, i'm your boyfriend.. I'm so sorry, so so sorry.. I should have been there for you all the time, this is all my fault..," I still have [Y/N]'s hands in my hands.

"I love you so much, I can't explain how much... I was such a bad boyfriend, I was a freaking asshole all the time, please forgive me, I will always be there for you babe, I promise," My voice is so weak, tears are streaming down my face. I look at [Y/N], but she has her eyes still closed. Suddenly I see a weak smile appering on her face.

"I love you too," She softly says and she opens her eyes again.

Did she just said say she loves me? Does she still loves me? After all I've done? God I love and need this girl.

I look her in the eyes and smile, how sad I was a couple minutes ago, that's how happy I am right now. I hear a noise and see that the Doctor is walking towards us. He is looking very serious, he doesn't show any emotions. I'm getting a little nervous.

"So..." The Doctor says. I'm starring at him. Suddenly there is a smile on his face.

"Your back is good, no fractures, nothing, you only have a couple of bruises, and a slight concussion," Wow, that is great news. She is gonna make it, MY girl is all right! I look at her and she has a really big smile on her face.

"You will recover very fast, you can leave the hospital tomorrow.. If you have any questions, or you need me, i'm here." The doctor says smiling, and he walks out of the room.

"I'm so happy," [Y/N] says. I cup her face with my hands and place my lips on hers.

"You're a tough girl, I always knew that," I say smiling.

"Promise you'll be there for me..." [Y/N] says softly.

"Forever babe, I promise."

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