52 - Hate the Hate (sad/cute)

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Imagine the famous Justin Bieber is your boyfriend. You are very happy together but you get so many hate from a lot of people....

You are sitting on the couch, crying,. You just opened your twitter, but the only thing you see is hate, tweets like

She doesn't deserve him


She is a slut, she only wants his monet and fame

It makes you so so sad... Everything is all a little too much at the moment, and you don't know if you can handle this anymore.

You decide to text Justin

Text to: Justin <3

Hey JuJu, can you come over rightnow at my house? It's important

A few seconds later you get a message back for Justin, it says that he will be there in a few.

You turn the tv on and decide to watch it for a couple of minutes, until Justin is here.

The doorbell rings and you walk towards it.

"Babe," Justin says smiling when he sees you standing in front of the door.

"Hey Justin," You say and kiss him. The two of you walk inside and sit down on the couch, facing eachother.

"So, what is the important thing?," Justin asks. You look at him and start crying. You cover your face with your hands.

"Baby, what's wrong?," Justin says and he tries to call you down by hugging you. It works a little.

"I'm sorry it's jus-," You start but Justin interrupt you.

"It's fine, please tell me what's wrong?," Justin asks. You sigh really deep.

"I just... I just can't handle it anymore," You say. You almost start crying again, but you try to hold back your tears.

"What?," Justin asked confused.

"This...  I just can't deal with the hate, it is just to much..," You say. A tears escapes and streams down your cheek.

"What do you try to say?," Justin asks.

"Justin, I love you so much, nobody in the entire world can make me happier then you... But this also destroyes my life, maybe it is better if we-," You say.

"No [Y/N], you are not breaking up with me," Justin says really confident.
"We are not letting everything we have go,"

"But Justin, i'm sick of it, I can't handle it anymore!," You says, almost screaming. Justin grabs your hands.

"Look at me," He says. You look at him.

"I know that you are getting a lot of hate, so do I, and I also know that it is really painfull, but please, you are such a strong girl, and I love you so much, I just can't let you go," Justin says. You start crying again, because Justin his words are so sweet.

"Babe, we can go trough this together okay? We can do this, I love you and that is all that matters," Justin says.

"Promise?," You say while your voice cracks.

"I promise," Justin says and he kisses your forehead.
You give him a really big hug, and after that you face him and say

"Thankyou Justin, I didn't knew what I should do if I didn't had you," You say blushing a little. Justin smiles really cute and says

"Same for me babe... Same for me,"


Short imagine but I hope you enjoined it :) love you all ❤❤

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