82 - Blind date 2/2 (Romantic)

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Sequel to 'Imagine 81 - Blind date 1/2' I recommend you reading that part first if you haven't yet.

"Justin?," You say flabbergasted, while you look at him. He is wearing a white shirt, a few golden chains and blue jeans combined with white supras.

"Hi," He says while he softly kisses your cheek, feeling butterflies all over your body.

You keep on starring at him, and he just chuckles.

"So you-," You start but Justin finish your sentence

"I'm your blind date," Justin says, smiling. You look down at the ground and sigh.

"Never expected that," You chuckle, while you look up at Justin again.

"Why not?," Justin says in a high pitch.

"Well, you are Justin Bieber and i'm me," You say a bit embarrassed.

"Don't think like that, why do you say that? Do you really think I just brought you here because you're just someone?," Justin laughs while he grabs one of your hand, causing you to blush.

You shrug your shoulders and say

"I don't know,"

"You will figure out the answer, just wait," He grins.
"Come," Justin walks together with you inside, towards the restaurant, and you both order some good food.

You have a lot of fun an talk a lot about everything.

It is all really expensive and you feel pretty bad that he has to pay so much, only for this dinner.

"Are you sure you don't want me to pay my own food?," You ask Justin while you look at him.

"Here," He says while he hands some money towards the man behind the counter, saying that he can keep the change.

"Thankyou, have a good evening," The man says. Justin smiles and grabs your hand before he walks away with you, towards the balcony.

"Justin!," You suddenly stand still. Justin looks at you and pulls his eyebrows up.

"It was so expensive, I mean, I can buy my own food," You say, but Justin just laughs about it.

"Babe, this is nothing for me, come one, I want to show you something," He says and starts walking again, so you follow him, blushing because he called you babe.

"Look," He says while he stands still in front of the edge of the balcony, looking at the view. The beautiful view of the city.

You've already seen it earlier, but this beats it totally. The sky is purple coloured mixed with orange, the lights of the buildings lights up the sky, looking like stars.

"I-it's beautiful," You say, keeping your eye on the view.

"I know," Justin smirks, also keeping his eye on the view.

Then you feel his eyes burning into your skin, causing you to look at him.

"What?," You chuckle. Justin keeps his face straight.

"You still don't know why you are here right?," Justin asks. You frown and pull your head a little back

"Uh, I have a blind date with you," You chuckle, because you already know the answer.

Justin laughs a bit and shakes his head.

"No- well, yes, but- I brought you here for a special reason," Justin starts. You look back at the view, and then back at Justin again.

"[Y/N], for the past few weeks I've known you, you actually became like a important person in my life, a special person," Justin says in a sweet tone, causing you to giggle.

"What do you mean?," You ask him.

"I mean, i've been thinking about you all day, all night long, you have something special, something that nobody has and i'm really curious about you," Justin says, sounding very serious.

"Like i'm an animal or something," You giggle, looking away. Justin wraps his arms around your waist and laughs.

"No, you get me wrong- I just want to get to know you better and better, I mean, we can go out on more date's and who knows," Justin winks, chuckling a bit, also blushing a bit, it looks so cute.

"Why didn't you asked me out earlier?," You cross your arms, raising your eyebrows,waiting for an answer.

"I didn't know if you wanted to go on a date with me, so I thought a blind date was a good idea, so you couldn't say no because you know it was me," Justin says shyly.

"Do you really think I would say no to a date with the Justin Bieber?," Your mouth almost falls open, not expecting an answer like this.

"I don't want you to like me because of my name, I just-," Justin says, not finishing his sentence, looking down at the ground.

You stroke Justin his cheek, causing him to look at you again, smiling lightly.

"I will never only like you because of your name, i'm glad you asked me out on this blind date, and I would love to get to know you beter," You smile, kissing Justin his cheek softly.

"You are amazing, do you know that?," Justin pulls you closer to him, kissing your cheek this time.

"Yes, but thanks for confirming it," You joke, sticking your tongue out at Justin.

"I don't know why I even like you," Justin smirks.
"But I do,"


I'm so so so sorry for the late update, but I was so busy this week
so yeah

I won't let you wait for this long again
Thanks for all the votes and comments my last imagine, it means a lot

i love you

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