36 - Babysitter (Cute/Sexy)

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Imagine you have to babysit a 5 years old girl who lives a few streets away from you. You didn't knew she had an older brother.... who is also very hot

"Thankyou, I will take good care of her," You say to the little girl her parents. You and Jazzy are waving at her parents and when you don't see their car anymore the two of you walk inside.

"So what do you want to do?," You ask Jazzy while you sit down on the couch.

"Do you want to make a puzzle with me?," The little girl asks you while she is holding a box with a puzzle in it.

"Sure," You say.

"Yay!" Jazzy says enthusiastically. She throws the puzzle on the ground and sits down, and so do you.
One by one you search the little pieces of the puzzle together who fit on eachother.

"This one there!," Jazzy says while she shows you a piece of a puzzle and she points at a spot where she thinks the piece belongs. You look at it and smile.

"Yes! Very good," You say. The two of you keep puzzling untill the puzzle is done.

"Goodjob!," You say while you give Jazzy a highfive. She jumps on you.

"Do you want to watch spongebob with me?," Jazzy asks. You smile.

"Sure," The two of you walk towards the couch and you turn the tv on.
You both watch spongebob untill you hear the door unlocks. Wow, that was short.

You look at the door but you don't see anyone you expected. Instead of Jazzy her parents, you see a tall, brown haired boy with a lot of tattoos.

"Uhm, hi," You say while you stand up.

"Justin, this is my babysitter," Jazzy says while she jumps off the couch.
The boy looks at you.

"Hi," he says back and shakes your hand.
"Justin," he says smiling.

"[Y/N]," You say nervous.

"So, you are the new babysitter?," Justin asks while he walks towards Jazzy and hughs her.

"Hey little girl, i've missed you," He says. Aww.

"Yes, well, no, I mean, I'm just here for one night," You say.

"Ohh, well, you can come here more often if you want," Justin grins. You are blushing really hard and giggle like an idiot.

"[Y/N], do you want to watch spongebob with me again?," Jazzy asks while she is sitting on her brother his lap.
You look at the clock.

"Well, I think it's time to go to bed," You say while you are standing with your hands in your pocket.
Jazzy almost starts crying. O shit.

"But Justi-," Jazzy says but Justin cuts her off.

"No Jazzy, you have to listen to [Y/N] now," Justin says. Jazzy stands up and walks towards you.

"Don't I get a kiss anymore?," Justin says and he pouts his lip. Jazzy shakes her head. You giggle.

"Well, if I don't get a kiss from you, then [Y/N] will give me a kiss," Justin says. You look at him and he smiles. Suddenly Jazzy runs towards Justin and hugs him and gives him a kiss.

"See? You wanted to give me a kiss," Justin says. Jazzy smiles and walks upstairs, you follow after her.

"Goodnight sweety!," You hear Justin shout from downstairs. You change Jazzy her clothes, lay her down in bed, and kiss her goodnight. You turn off her lights and walk downstairs.

"So...," You start. Justin looks at you.

"I think I go home, your parents said that I only had to wait untill you came home, so...,"

"Uhh, okay, if you want to go home, you can go home, but if you want to stay, you know, just chilling, that's also okay," Justin says. Oh crap. You can't decide. What are you going to do when you stay here with him, alone?

"Uhh, I guess I can stay here a little longer," You say. Justin smiles.

"Come," He says. You sit down next to him on the couch.

"Want to watch a movie or something?," Justin asks.

"Yes, sure," You say. Justin walks towards the tv and grabs a few movies.

"You like fantasy, horror, adventure, or maybe romantic movies?," Justin says while he is holding a few movies in the air.

"Uhh, I guess I like romantic movies," You say nervous.

"Okay," Justin says. He starts the movie and sits down next to you.
You feel a little uncomfortable the first minutes of the movie, but the Justin starts talking to you.

He asks how old you are, what you do in school, even if you have a boyfriend

"No, I don't have a boyfriend," You say while you look at Justin. His eyes are so beautiful.

"Why not? You are so beautiful, how can you not have a boyfriend?," Justin says flirting. You shrug your shoulders and blush. He is so sweet.
The two of you keep watching the movie, and when it is almost over, Justin suddenly wraps his arm around your shoulder.

He looks at you and says

"So, I still get a kiss from you, you remember?," Justin winks. Oh crap. Your stomach turns around. He meant it?

Justin smiles at you and within a second, you feel his lips pressed against yours. They feel really perfect, warm and soft. They really taste nice.

Justin breaks the kiss and looks at you.
"First kiss?," Justin smiles. You nodd. You are a little embarrassed. Like, you are 17 and you've never kissed a guy before. Well, untill now. And you didn't expected that your first kiss would be from, you know, a really handsome boy.

"Well, it was maybe your first, but definitely not your last," Justin smirks and he pulls you down on his lap. He starts kissing you again.

You know what will come after that.....


Do you guys also think Justin and Jazzy are SO cute together?
omg I just can't.....

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this imagine, and I will upload chapter 3 of I'm Over You tomorrow!

Love you all ❤❤

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