3 - Prom night (Sad/Cute)

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Imagine you have prom night tonight and Justin Bieber is your date.

Tonight you have prom night! You are really excited and you have been looking forward to this moment the whole school year already. You and your friend have spend the whole day together. You guys went shopping, and you both bought a really cute prom dress. It's a white dress, the top of the dress is black and it has little diamonds on it . Your friend also bought a really cute little soft pink colored dress. You also bought some nice accessories and a pair of high heels.

You arrive at your friends house, and you directly run upstairs towards the bathroom, because you are really excited to do each others makeup.

"We still have 3 hours to go! We have enough time to do our makeup!." Your friends smiles at you. You smile back at her. You grab a little bag where you have all your makeup in out of your bag. You open the little makeup bag and choose some makeup that you want to use.

"Omg! Can I use your makeup?," Your friends is looking at you and she tries to make a cute puppy face, but she kinda fails.

"Well.. Okay, because you are my best friend." You see your friend is smiling at you.

"But -," You try to say, but your friend interrupts you.

"I knew this was coming." Your friend says. You laugh.

"But only if you do my hair" You look at your friend and smirk.

"Okay.. I'll do it." Your friend says with an annoyed voice.

"I love you too." You say while your friend looks at you and you guys begin to laugh really hard.

2 hours later, you and your friend are finally all dressed up, and you are about to walk downstairs. You see that your parents and the parents of your friend are standing at the end of the stairs. As soon as you two walk downstairs, your mom starts to cry.

"You look so beautiful sweetheart" Your mom says while giving her a hug.

"Thanks." You say.

Suddenly there is a guy walking out of the kitchen, it is Fredo, your friends prom date.

"Fredo!." Your friend shouts and walk towards Fredo. They are hugging each other and Fredo is giving her a lot of compliments about her looks. Even though they are not dating, they would be such a cute couple.

"Picture time!." Your friends mom screams, and she is holding her camera in the air.

15 minutes later your date still isn't there. But okay, what else do you expect when your date is Justin Bieber..

"I think we really have to go now, we really can't wait any longer, I don't want to be late." Your friend says. Everyone agrees with her, and so do I, even though it hurts me a lot that Justin let me down.

When you arrive at the prom, there are already so many people dancing on the dance floor. Your friend and Alfredo also starts to dance. You really want to dance with them but all you can think of is Justin. It makes you really upset that he isn't here with you.
Your friend sees that you are just standing, in the middle of the dancefloor, and that you are totally not amused.

"Come on [Y/N]!" Your friend screams. She walks towards you and grabs your hands.

"No no I don-,"

"Don't think about Justin, you are not worth him if he treats you like this", Your friend says while watching you.

She is right, you really like Justin but he is your date and he just let you down. You decide to join your friends on the dance floor. You guys are really having fun. You are laughing and dancing and just being crazy. You totally forget about Justin.

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