1: Lucky

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"People tell stories to cope with their fears. All art and myths are just creations to give us some sense of control over the things we're scared of." - American Horror Story

"I don't get you bro," Jimmy says

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"I don't get you bro," Jimmy says.

"You are a racist and I do not like you. I will not sell you this car." The European man Simeon shouted in Jimmy's face. "I will not. You make my skin crawl, you neo nazi! You are all the same."

I turned my head and noticed two men walking towards Jimmy, the crazy bald man and I. When the man noticed them, he said "This racist insulted me!" with an outstretched arm.

"Ay whats up fool, who you callin a ninja?" one, with a neck and arm full of tattoos wearing black shorts, a green t shirt and a green flat billed hat asked Jimmy.

Jimmy put his hands up. "No, no, I'm not calling anybody a ninja." He said quickly. The man have him a stern look and said "man what the fuck?"

"I mean, n-word." Jimmy corrected himself. "I-I thats not cool man I don't say that."

"You fucking right and you better keep it right," he jabs a finger into Jimmy's chest. His friend is standing behind him watching the scene unfold just as I am. We make eye contact for a moment but look back at Jimmy and his friend. "This man right here, he's an international business man, a multiculturalist ."

Simeon puts his arms up with a smile on his face. "That I could not have said better myself," he claps his hands together. "But seriously, maybe he's not a racist..." Jimmy and the two men look a each other and Jimmy looks like a midget next to them and I snicker to myself. "But I don't think he is man enough for a car like this." Simeon gestures the ugly beetle yellow car Jimmy had his eyes on.

"Wait-wait a second-" Jimmy begins and he's cut off by the one who intimidated him earlier with a laugh.

He put a hand on Jimmy's shoulder. "This right here - him," he gently punches Jimmy's arm. "Get him a hybrid. Thats a real mans car." Wait, so they're friends now? They share a laugh but I'm standing there confused.

"I think you are right, Lamar. You'll get a tax rebate." Simeon says now in a nicer tone. "I understand, money is an issue, eh?"

"Money isn't an issue," Jimmy waggles his finger.

"This is the best part, watch this." Lamar says quietly to his friend and once again I'm confused. "That's when you reel em in and get all this fools money-" His friend pushes him off.

"Look man, I gotta go." He says and turns away but turns back and says "hey Simeon, I'm out." he waves his hand and turns to leave. "I'll holler at ya homie." He says to Lamar.

"The best part man." Lamar says to him again and I frown. So Jimmy's gonna get scammed?

"So Jimmy, do you think you're man enough? Take the wheel, show me."

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