39: Snowball Fight

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The next morning Trevor and I laid in bed together all morning. Both naked, but not doing anything sexual. Just laying together.

"Trev?" I asked.

"Hm?" He mumbled sleepily.

"I'm gonna go to the gas station, you want anything?"

"What're you getting?"

"Sweet tea." I responded.

"That." He said and rolled over. I chuckled and rolled out of bed.

I put my hair up and threw on a sweater from my suitcase and a pair of shorts. I out on my sunglasses and left with an "I'll be back."

I walked outside and down the street to a gas station. I made it all the way without being noticed, or as I had thought. A man with a camera bombarded me as I was checking out with 2 bottles of sweet tea.

"Is it true Tracey is pregnant?"

I rolled my eyes and put on a fake smile. "My sister is not pregnant. Whatever."

Truth is I didn't even know for sure. I haven't really been seeing Tracey although we do text a lot. She would have told me. I'd tell her if I was.

"Alana! Is it true you're seeing an older man? Are you pregnant?" He questioned quickly

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"Alana! Is it true you're seeing an older man? Are you pregnant?" He questioned quickly.

I groaned and prayed for the cashier to slide my card faster.

"Alana why are you so upset?"

"Do I look upset to you baby?" I glanced at him for a second before turning back.

While walking back, I blocked them out and texted Trevor

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While walking back, I blocked them out and texted Trevor. The only good thing to help ignore these fuckers.

I chuckled as I entered the lobby. I saw all the magazines were returned to their places on the shelf and I moved quickly past them. Bad memories. I got in the elevator and went to our floor and then into our room. Trevor was still in bed but on his phone. He looked up at me with a smile.

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